421: Backyard Abduction (Members)
In Episode 421: Backyard Abduction, we are joined by Justin, who shares some captivating experiences. Justin and his family have been having encounters with extraterrestrials for a long time, and he shares his abduction story with us. Not only does he have stories of abduction, but he also lives in a haunted house where a lot of activity occurs, including encounters with a demon dog - a sighting that is becoming an increasingly common experience on The Confessionals!
193: Abducted by E.T. and Kidnapped By Humans (Members)
In Episode 193: Abducted by E.T. and Kidnapped By Humans, we talk with Laura about her dramatic life of abductions. Most people that have dealt with an abduction involving extraterrestrials don’t strike twice with bad luck, but Laura clearly has. She shares that not only was she abducted by E.T.s, but she was also once kidnapped by humans as well. Each event was a terrifying experience that have had long-lasting negative effects on Laura.
Episode 2: Up Close With A UFO
Roger is out one night exploring with a friend when he sees what he thinks is a helicopter. He soon comes to realize that this flying craft is no helicopter, and what he knew as reality is about to change in an instant.