482: The Demon Deliverer
In Episode 482: The Demon Deliverer, we are joined by Blake. When Blake was a kid, he and his family moved into a home that was absolutely haunted. He details the things that happened, which would progress to a "final straw" event that caused them to abandon their home, in hopes of alleviating what was plaguing them. These experiences pushed Blake into a direction in life that would not have come together if he hadn’t undergone those experiences as a child. Blake now has a nonprofit deliverance ministry in which he will travel the country and help people rid themselves of the demons that oppress them. Some would call Blake an exorcist, but he himself doesn't care for that term due to the stigma it carries. He prefers to simply be called a deliverance minister.
440: High Strangeness In New Mexico
In Episode 440: High Strangeness in New Mexico, we are joined by Raul, who shares a multitude of stories, ranging from giants, bigfoot, and UFOs, to demons and witches getting possessed on purpose as part of their process of getting rid of evil spirits.
429: Drugs and Demons (Members)
In Episode 429: Drugs and Demons, we welcome Judy to The Confessionals. Sometimes it seems like certain life circumstances can spawn paranormal activity in someone’s life, and that holds true in Judy’s case. Because of an abusive situation at home, Judy found herself as an emancipated minor in the 1970s, and she hitchhiked all over the country from ages 13 to 21. In her travels, she became mixed up in the wrong crowds, ranging from drug activity to satanic witchcraft cults. As a result of her personal life experiences and witnessing demons and demonic possessions, Judy was later motivated to get a degree in psychology. She believes that some people diagnosed with schizophrenia are in fact misdiagnosed, and more likely are really demonically possessed. Judy's life was a whirlwind of drama, but she made it through the rough spots and hopes to inspire others into understanding they are not alone in these experiences.
422: Fighting Your Demons
In Episode 422: Fighting Your Demons, we are joined by Chip and Josh. Chip contacted the show to share experiences with the paranormal that he has dealt with his whole life. After listening to The Confessionals, Chip started learning new tactics for handling the demonic attachments in his life. He also invited his friend Josh to join him on the show and share what Josh has seen also. Josh is a police officer who has had his own run-ins with demonic influences while on duty. Both men tell their stories on today’s public show and an extended Overtime edition episode.
396: Casting Out Demons (Members)
In Episode 396: Casting Out Demons, we are joined by James, who was originally hesitant to share his experiences but finally made the decision to contact The Confessionals, and we are so glad he did. James has had several encounters with demonic forces that left no doubt in his mind that the spiritual realm is very real. He witnessed an exorcism in church when he was a child, encountered other demonic forces while in church, and even dealt with a demonically possessed woman on the rooftop of a hospital building. James has seen many things, and what he has gone through may hopefully help others understand that they aren’t alone in their experiences with the other realm.
345: The Snake Demon
In Episode 345: The Snake Demon, guest Colin joins the show to tell us about his paranormal experiences. In 2007, he traveled to Thailand, where one night he awoke to find a "shadow person" sitting on top of him. From that point on, it seemed like the paranormal activity in his life ramped up significantly. He has had many odd experiences over the years, and has wondered if his connection to the paranormal is something that runs in his family, as his grandmother and mother have also witnessed strange things like ufos, shadow people, and memories of past lives. Colin previously listened to The Confessionals Episode 199: Miracles and Exorcisms with guest Hector, and has since joined up with him to pursue pushing back against the darkness in this world.
327: Legion
In Episode 327: Legion, we are joined by Caden, who shares stories from his childhood in his family home. Caden reveals some rather scary experiences that he believes were demonic in nature. When he went off to college, he became involved in a campus ministry, where he experienced things that changed his life and left him with no doubts that the spiritual realm is very real. He recounts the story of a demonically possessed girl who, during an exorcism, exhibited supernatural strength and revealed the names of the demons that were possessing her.
243: The Hooded Demon (Members)
In Episode 243: The Hooded Demon, we talk with Justine about her paranormal and extraterrestrial encounters. First Justine describes seeing a hooded demonic creature in her bedroom as a child, and another similar experience outside her home that left her with a much different feeling than her first encounter. She also shares with us about a time when, while driving in her car, what can only be described as an extraterrestrial-type language came over her radio. Justine was able to record about a minute of the strange speaking, and you will hear it played on this episode!
227: Casting Out Demons & Healing The Sick (Members)
On Episode 227: Casting Out Demons & Healing The Sick, we speak with Hector who has had truly incredible experiences throughout his life. Hector has early encounters with the “other side” as a child that left him knowing there was something more to this life than we can see. He details his family’s experiences with a witch doctor, demons, and how he now has a healing ministry. Before we began the interview, he also prayed for my brother Jack's shoulder over the phone, and it was healed right in our studio. This interview was recorded nine months ago, and Jack’s shoulder still feels great to this day!
200: The Five Demons
On our 200th episode, The Five Demons, our guest Anna joins us to share how she has been haunted by five demons throughout her life. She has some interesting stories to share, including the story of a picture that seems to have been taken of Anna with her friends - except that she swears she was never there that night, and it isn’t her in the photo! Could the image be a picture of her doppelganger? Or even a strange time slip into a parallel dimension? Tune in to Episode 200 and let us know what you think!
162: Assaulted By Incubus
On Episode 162: Assaulted by Incubus, we have Michael and Jessica joining us! They are engaged to be married and have experienced many things together that seem to be extremely horrific. It all circles around Michael and his lifelong haunting, including how he has been followed and assaulted by an incubus. Jessica never had anything paranormal happen to her until she met her beloved Michael and now it’s never-ending.
Episode 122: Secret Military Enochian Technology
On Episode 122, guest Charlie joins The Confessionals to share his incredible story of a secret military mission. Charlie is a former military serviceman who was selected for a secret mission that involved traveling into the wilderness, with 15 other team members, to retrieve a downed aircraft.
Episode 112: Demons In The Desert
In Episode 112, we bring on Tony's younger brother Jack to talk about Pennsylvania’s 2018 UFO sightings, the pyramid-shaped UFO seen over the Pentagon, and the mysterious disappearance of young Casey Hathaway, who after being rescued told authorities that a bear kept him warm and safe for two days! After the extended introduction with Jack, we hear from guest Javier, who shares his experiences witnessing a ghost monk and a shadow man in New Mexico!
Episode 110: Time Travelers, Dogman, and Demonic Attacks
Episode 110 is a jam-packed show! We first start off talking about some recent time travel conspiracy theories and revisit some well known stories with Wes Germer from Sasquatch Chronicles. Then we speak with Snuffy who witnessed a dogman sighting in rural Pennsylvania. Lastly, we speak with Karl from Australia as he describes a time in his life when he went through a spiritual awakening, and in the process became demonically attacked on several occasions. He tells us what happened and how he put an end to it!
Episode 104: Breaking Demonic Bonds
Merry Christmas everyone! We teased Episode 104 on last week’s show, when we played a clip of our interview with James! We are very excited for you to hear some of James’ encounters with the demonic! These stories involve him and his wife as they progressed through their spiritual walks. As they grew stronger in their faith, they uncovered some deep demonic entities lurking in the dark, ready to pounce! James shares these stories, and reveals how he and his wife overcame their evil circumstances.
Episode 103: The Demonic Realm
We’re kicking off the week before Christmas the right way with a startling new episode! On Episode 103, our guest Justin shares accounts of demonic entities that have haunted him for his entire life. He has endured a number of experiences, including being tormented by a green demon. Justin also touches on the topic of bigfoot, having previously shared his run-in with the cryptid on Episode 248 of Sasquatch Chronicles. On our episode today, Justin touches on the encounter he and his friend had with a bigfoot; one friend, Mike, discussed the same story, but from his own vantage point, on The Confessionals’ Episode 20.
Episode 99: When Angels and Demons Visit
Episode 99: When Angels and Demons Visit is a bonus episode provided by Hunt A Killer! On Episode 99, guest Adriel joins The Confessionals to reveal that he has angels and demons visiting him! These visitations are not a new occurrence, but in fact something that started in his childhood and have continued through his whole life.