550: Tomato Fields
In Episode 550: Tomato Fields we are joined by returning guest, Tim Moon. Tim was on many years ago sharing his paranormal encounters on Episode 35: Poltergeist Activity and today he returns to share about his first book, Tomato Fields. This story was inspired by Tim's brother's bigfoot encounter. He is offering a free downloadable copy of the e-book to our listeners until June 1st!
537: Bigfoot Burial Plot (Members)
In Episode 537: Bigfoot Burial Plot we have a different-paced show. I am joined in the studio by my brother and assistant Jack as we discuss his coming on board to work with me at Merkel Media. Then we give an in-depth walkthrough of the NEW members app which is available now on Apple and Google Play stores. After we talk shop, we get into some weird things that have been happening around the studio with "something" or "someone" trying to enter through our backdoor. Jack and I both experienced this separately on two separate occasions. We also had some other odd things happening since he arrived in Tennessee and we get into that as well. Lastly, we talk about my trip out west trying to hunt down the bigfoot and a location we have been given where there is a bigfoot buried and waiting to be exhumed.
536: Hunting Down Bigfoot
In Episode 536: Hunting Down Bigfoot we are giving you a swapcast with one of my best friends, Wes Germer, from Sasquatch Chronicles. Last week I had the pleasure of taking my Merkel Media film team out to Washington to try and track down the illusive bigfoot. Not only did we take a stab at it, but we also did it at Wes' infamous bigfoot encounter location. We spent several nights in the dark forests of the Pacific Northwest and Wes and I sit down to talk about it and the experiences me and my team had out there.
533: Little People, D.U.M.B.'s & Bigfoot of the Smoky Mountains (Members)
In Episode 533: Little People, D.U.M.B.'s & Bigfoot of the Smoky Mountains we are joined by author Mary Joyce. When I moved to Tennessee I started talking to locals about what I do and the common experiences popped up of people seeing UFOs and bigfoot but what caught me off guard was the topic of little people. Multiple people have brought up the topic as well as the person to talk to about it all, Mary Joyce. So Mary joins me to talk about her reporting on the topic but also other topics such as bigfoot, deep underground military bases, UFOs, and more.
524: Bigfoot and Dogman Nephilim DNA
In episode 524: Bigfoot and Dogman Nephilim DNA we are joined by Scott Carpenter. I was in a local pizzeria called Legends and Lore Pizzaria and in talking to the owner he informed me that Scott Carpenter, the author of The Nephilim Among Us, lives in the same town my studio is located in. So we reached out to Scott and brought him to the studio for a fantastic conversation. Scott was someone that laughed at people who believe bigfoot existed and probably thought someone should be institutionalized when claiming they have seen one. All that stopped one day while fishing and encountering a bigfoot himself. Once that happened he did a 360 and started to research everything he could about them. He would go out in the woods with cameras strapped to his body to catch as many video hours as possible to increase his chance of catching something on film. The more he researched and the more he went out, the more he learned bigfoot was not the only creature that roams these East Tennessee hills. He's had dogman encounters, little people encounters, and portal sightings which all lead him to believe there is more to these cryptids than just being hairy creatures living in the forest.
509: Sasquatch Stalked My Property (Members)
In Episode 509: Sasquatch Stalked My Property we have Josh coming on the show. He owned a property in the Roanoke, Virginia area that had sasquatch roaming it for the 7-8 years that he owned it. It hassled him and his family and eventually made him feel like these things are not safe to co-exist with on his property.
503: Catskill Mountains Bigfoot (Members)
In Episode 503: Catskill Mountains Bigfoot, we are joined by Ryan. He discusses some paranormal things that happened to him and his family throughout their lives, and how those experiences ultimately led them to become more spiritual people. Some of their occurrences included the dreams of some family members that turned into physical manifestations within this reality to other family members. Ryan’s mother also saw a horned creature run into his room one night while everyone else was asleep. And while training for a marathon event, Ryan himself came across the elusive Sasquatch, leaving him alone and terrified in the Catskill Mountains.
464: The Bigfoot, The Witch, and The Dogman
In Episode 464: The Bigfoot, The Witch, and The Dogman we are joined by Erick Szilagyi from the uNcomfortable podcast. Erick was connected to me by Joel from VanTesla, who has been a guest on Erick's show several times. Erick comes to the table with many experiences to share, but it was his experience with a witch that kicks off the show. Erick was just beginning his podcast and got connected to a witch who was willing join his show for a conversation. Erick decided to meet up with her in person to record, and that meeting turned into dinner plus more. What then ensues Erick describes as one of the most bizarre nights of his life. From Bigfoot coming close to their location, unexplainable vocalizations, unnatural hyper-sexualized tensions, to dogman guarding the witch and the witch herself physically transforming before Erick's eyes! Needless to say, he has a jaw-dropping story. Following the initial episode, we decided to do an Overtime segment for members that lasted almost three hours! Erick shares all his other experiences and they are just as bizarre as the first hour, including a story that is so personally sensitive for him that we can't speak or even hint about it publicly.
462: Bigfoot Hunter | Aleksandar Petakov
In Episode 462: Bigfoot Hunter, we are joined by Aleksandar Petakov, a filmmaker and bigfoot hunter. He is notably known for his series through Small Town Monster entitled "Bigfoot Beyond The Trail" where he is actively boots on the ground searching for the elusive cryptid. Working with Small Town Monsters, Aleks has been able to stay true-to-form and avoid network executives trying to manipulate his tactics or videos for the purpose of selling a product. On Episode 462 we discuss places he has gone, his general thoughts on cryptids, and back-and-forth bigfoot banter.
455: The Interdimensional Creature of Tennessee (Members)
In Episode 455: The Interdimensional Creature of Tennessee, Kris shares the paranormal encounters that both he and his whole family have experienced. He tells us about seeing an old lady crawling down a hallway wall, while at the same time his mother saw strange "laser" lights. Among other things, he tells stories from his family's farm including bigfoot and a bizarre tree-shaking experience in the forest - the same type of shaking that my team experienced in Kentucky while filming Expedition Dogman.
448: Tennessee White Bigfoot
In Episode 448: Tennessee White Bigfoot, Casey shares his bigfoot experiences. Have you ever imagined what it would be like to find yourself out in the woods at night, running into a giant monster that should not exist? Casey and his family had that very experience. When he was a young kid in East Tennessee, Casey and his entire family had a very clear encounter with bigfoot one night. Though they all witnessed the creature from different vantage points, they all agree on what they saw. Later in life, Casey moved to Oregon and dove into researching the topic of bigfoot and tells us about what they've uncovered out west.
442: The Bigfoot Summoner
In Episode 442: The Bigfoot Summoner, we speak with Terence, who recently had a live TikTok video of himself throat singing in the forest go viral. In the video, Terence was illustrating how his throat singing talent brought a deer out of the trees to observe him. But what he initially missed on camera is that there was more than just a deer and himself present at the time. He was quickly informed through comments on the video that there was a much larger creature lurking in the background. He tells us about this experience in the woods and what he makes of it, and we take a deeper dive into Terence’s spiritual believes, which give him a unique take on about “bigfoot” might be.
440: High Strangeness In New Mexico
In Episode 440: High Strangeness in New Mexico, we are joined by Raul, who shares a multitude of stories, ranging from giants, bigfoot, and UFOs, to demons and witches getting possessed on purpose as part of their process of getting rid of evil spirits.
427: Talking Red-Eyed Bigfoot (Members)
In Episode 427: Talking Red-Eyed Bigfoot, Morgan, a Native American in British Columbia, joins The Confessionals to share his history with the bizarre things that go bump in the night. Over the years, we have had other guests share the strange things they experienced living on reservations, and Morgan's reservation is no different. Both he and his family have had unique run-ins with bigfoot. He tells us about shapeshifting bigfoot, and his uncle’s experience talking with a red-eyed bigfoot in their native tongue – even though his uncle didn't even know how to speak the native tongue. His aunt also witnessed a goatman, who seemed more manlike than anything, until she looked down and realized he had hooves! Finally, it seems no stories from a reservation would be complete without rake sightings, and Morgan shares them with us too.
393: Pro Wrestler Sees Sasquatch
In Episode 393: Pro Wrestler Sees Sasquatch, we are joined by Robby Vegas, who is a professional wrestler. One night while making an eight-hour drive home to Vermont, Robby and two other wrestlers saw what may only be described as a sasquatch. He details what they all saw, and what they thought, as the encounter occurred. Robby also shares some of his paranormal experiences involving Oujia boards, spirits, and strange occurrences.
392: Bigfoot Behind My Shed (Members)
In Episode 392: Bigfoot Behind My Shed, we are joined by Kim, who has had a long narrative of experiences over the years, all the way from 1976 to 2019. These occurrences include angelic beings, two haunted homes, and four bigfoot experiences, with her last experience involving a visual bigfoot encounter in December 2019!
375: Bigfoot in England | Deborah Hatswell
In Episode 375: Bigfoot in England, we are joined by Deborah Hatswell from BBR Investigations. Deborah had a bigfoot encounter in England in the 1980s that set her life path on a new course of trying to understand the unknown, and find people who have seen strange, unusual things like she did. In Episode 375, Deborah talks about bigfoot sightings in the United Kingdom. Then in an Overtime segment, she shares more stories of high strangeness coming from the U.K., including dogman encounters, accounts of reptilians, and more!
361: Creatures Between The Veil
In Episode 361: Creatures Between the Veil, Daniel has many experiences to share with us, including the paranormal, doppelgangers, UFOs, bigfoot, orbs, and more! I initially interviewed Daniel for one episode, but following our first talk, he contacted me again because more activity had started kicking up in his life. Daniel then came back on the show to record an Overtime episode, giving us updates and sharing a childhood memory of a creature he saw lurking in the woods in an abandoned house. When Daniel returned home with his friend, they realized that whatever they had seen had followed them.
BONUS: Discovering MK-ULTRA & Bigfoot
I thought it would be fun to put out a mid-week show where Joel from VanTesla and I talk about the recently released single, "Bigfoot" and how that song came together. While I had Joel on with me we dove into some discussion on the infamous member's episode, "Discovering MK-ULTRA" where I found myself in the awkward position of having to inform "Cat" that she may have been part of the MK-ULTRA program. After that release Cat and I kept in contact as she was connecting dots and finding new pieces to her life's puzzle. We decided to bring Cat back on for a second interview for this coming Thursday's member show and things got weird during our recording. It seemed as though someone was trying to cut Cat off from speaking about a certain thing. She talked about a bunch of things that one could consider heavy topics but none of them seemed to get the interference that we got until we started talking about the "school" she had to go to as a child.