276: When Angels Sing
On Episode 276: When Angels Sing, we talk with guest Michelle about some amazing stories she wants to share. Her experiences range from seeing apparitions; hearing and feeling things she could not see or explain; nightmares; and sleep paralysis. While talking with her, something comes through on the audio that sounds like an explosion of power in a loudspeaker. Michelle and I both hear the noise and it stops us in our tracks! She also describes an occasion when she was in a worship service and heard an angelic voice singing along with the music. Her experience reminds me of a recording of musician Jason Upton performing in concert - during his performance, an angel was seen on stage, and its voice was recorded singing along with him - so I play that angelic audio on today's show!
151: The Headless Angels (Members)
On Members Episode 151: The Headless Angels, we talk with Doug about how, throughout his whole life, he has been haunted by something that seems to want to keep him separated from who he is truly meant to be. It all started with visitations of headless angels when he was a child and progressed into his adult life. Whatever is happening to and around Doug really has a hold on his family, and has even manipulated relationships into something that can only be described as toxic!
Episode 102: The Hatman and Angelic Beings
We bring on guest David to share his run-in with the Hatman, and an encounter he and his family experienced with what they believe was an angel.
Episode 99: When Angels and Demons Visit
Episode 99: When Angels and Demons Visit is a bonus episode provided by Hunt A Killer! On Episode 99, guest Adriel joins The Confessionals to reveal that he has angels and demons visiting him! These visitations are not a new occurrence, but in fact something that started in his childhood and have continued through his whole life.