518: Close Encounters Of The Sexual Kind
In Episode 518: Close Encounters Of The Sexual Kind, we are joined by Midnight Mike from the OBDM podcast! Mike and I have wanted to do a show together for a while and our schedules finally aligned. When talking to Mike about what we wanted to discuss, we considered many different directions, and finally decided to go the route of sexual alien abductions. This is a subject that tends to be neglected, but should be considered more often. Why do these "beings" want to have sexual encounters with humans? Is there something special about us that they desire or need? Over the years my perspective on these topics has evolved and the idea of sexual alien abductions has played a significant role in my current thinking about them.
412: Reservation Alien Abduction
In Episode 412: Reservation Alien Abduction, we are joined by Jamaal for a third time to tell his stories from the reservation. He previously joined us on Episode 315: Skinwalkers On The Reservation and on Episode 339: Goatman Found Us. Now on Episode 412, he tells us stories about little people on the reservation, more skinwalker accounts, and seeing a five-foot-tall alien through his window when he was just a kid. After waking up with marks on his body, Jamaal began to think he had possibly become part of an abduction scenario.
401: Plasma Blue Alien Of The Woods
On Episode 401: Plasma Blue Alien of the Woods, Nathan joins The Confessionals to tell us about a few of his unexplained paranormal experiences – particularly a very strange sight he encountered in the woods. While enjoying a cabin retreat in Idaho, Nathan was sitting outside at the fire one night when he saw a bright flash of light that lit up part of the sky. Following the flash, points of lights started moving out in the woods. Rather than stay put or return back inside, Nathan took off running into the trees to find out where the lights were coming from - and ran straight into an encounter with glowing blue alien-like beings. In an Overtime segment following Episode 401, Nathan continues to share his life stories, including an upsetting time when he came home to find his family gone.
374: The Four Greys (Members)
On Episode 374: The Four Greys, Ryan joins The Confessionals to share his harrowing account of his years-long nighttime encounters with four grey creatures. At age 19, Ryan moved in with his older brother. One night while they had company over, Ryan suddenly felt overwhelmed and went to sleep in his room. When he awoke, he found himself held down with a large hand pressed against his back and witnessed the shadows of four tall slender creatures on the wall. When Ryan heard the creatures begin to “talk,” he blacked out. His experience could almost have been a horrible dream except that when Ryan finally came running from his room, his brother’s immediate reaction revealed just how real the encounter was. For years afterward, Ryan continued to be visited by the grey shadowy beings, until one night when he did not only feel hands and see shadows but finally saw one of the creatures in the flesh.
322: Alien Contact In Kansas (Members)
In Episode 322: Alien Contact In Kansas, we are joined by Ian to talk about his intriguing experience. When he was fourteen, he and a close friend stood by a pond south of their town while a large bright red ball approached them from the horizon. In a matter of seconds, the red ball was upon them and then transformed into a black triangle craft with different colors on each corner. Without a sound, the craft blasted them with a beam of light and that’s where Ian’s story begins. Come on this journey as Ian relays what happened to him and his friend that day.
226: Reptilians and Alien Offspring
In Episode 226: Reptilians and Alien Offspring, we speak with Dave Emmons, who shares a piece of his lifelong abduction scenario. Dave started experiencing unusual things as a child, which have continued through his life, all the way up to the point of our interview. He details his abductions, talks about meeting a girl he believes was his alien child, and, as we recorded this episode, he had just witnessed a reptilian in his home!
194: The Incident At Devils Den
On Episode 194: The Incident At Devils Den, we are bringing on Terry Lovelace, the author of “Incident At Devils Den.” Terry is a professional in every sense of the word. He’s served in the military, has a bachelor's degree in Psychology (cum laude), served as a felony prosecutor, and served as Assistant Attorney General for the U.S. Territory of American Samoa. Yet, with all these accolades, he is coming forward to share his incredible abduction story: Terry and a friend were taken by a craft that came for them while they were out camping. That is where most abduction stories may end, but Terry's story just begins at the incident at Devils Den.
180: A Life of Abductions
In Episode 180: A Life of Abductions, we speak with guest Ryan who seems to have been involved in a lifelong abduction scenario. Ryan goes into detail about what he’s been experiencing - and with whom he has been experiencing it. We cover all the abduction “bases” on this episode, and even ask Ryan if he believes that time travel was involved in these abductions. Ryan has only just started to speak out about the strange things he’s been through, and we welcome him to The Confessionals to unload this story that has been weighing him down for far too long.
164: The Bensalem Abduction
On Episode 164: The Bensalem Abduction, Amy joins The Confessionals to tell us about her experience seeing a huge UFO over Bensalem, PA. The problem is, Amy only has parts of her memory from this event, and they seem to come back to her in pieces over the years. Since witnessing the UFO, Amy has had strange things happen to her - like the time someone came in to her room and took a video of her while she was sleeping, and also how something in her body began setting off store security alarms! Listen as Amy tries to piece together her story with us on this week's episode!
160: I Think I Was Abducted
On Episode 160: I Think I Was Abducted, we have Sara joining us, whose great grandfather was actually a friend of the infamous abductee, Travis Walton. Knowing Travis and his story influenced Sara’s great grandfather to have a belief in aliens that also seems to have affected the people in his family, like Sara. Upon seeing UFOs, Sara had experiences that could lead one to suppose that she herself may have also been abducted.
158: The Green Light Alien
On Episode 158: The Green Light Alien, we have John joining The Confessionals to share his strange and various experiences with us. He specifically shares an encounter with an alien he had as a kid that was later confirmed by someone else who had the same experience!
Episode 94: The Alien, Bigfoot and Time Traveler Experience
On Episode 94, we talk with Angelo, who has some amazing experiences! Angelo begins by sharing a strange incident in which he and his friends witnessed what can only be described as a time traveler emerging through a wall! He then shares his encounter with interdimensional beings that resembled the classic description of Grey aliens. Finally, Angelo concludes his interview with a story about some Bigfoot-related activity! Sit back and listen in - this episode is going to be a blast!
Episode 91: The Alien Abducted Time Traveler
This week, we’re kicking off the month of Halloween the right way with an incredible and frightening Episode 91. In a two-hour interview, Tony Rodrigues shares how as a child, after insulting a fellow classmate whose father was a member of the Illuminati, his life took a terrifying turn: Suddenly, he was abducted by aliens - and kept for 20 years. During his captivity, Tony describes how he was forced into slavery, fought in combat against several races of extraterrestrials, and was satanically abused by his handlers. After serving two decades as a slave, he was returned home... as a child. Tony shares it all in this episode that is not to be missed!
Episode 43: Stardust Ranch with John Edmonds the Alien Slayer
On Episode 43: Stardust Ranch with John Edmonds, we speak with John Edmonds, the owner of infamous Stardust Ranch, about the many encounters with aliens he’s experienced there over the last 21 years! Among his scary encounters include attempted abductions by extraterrestrials, portals opening inside his home, and alien attacks that he has fought off with a samurai sword! After over two decades battling aliens, it’s no wonder John is finally trying to sell Stardust Ranch and move far, far away.
Episode 26: ORBDUCTION - Alta & Chad Dillard (Part 2)
Episode 26 features Alta and Chad Dillard in Part Two of a two-part show. During their interview, Alta and Chad recall a bizarre night they experienced in the French Quarter of New Orleans when both they and a friend were abducted. After they awakened in their own homes, no one had the same story to tell.
Episode 25: ORBDUCTION - Alta & Chad Dillard (Part 1)
Episode 25 features Alta and Chad Dillard in Part One of a two-part show. During their interview, Alta and Chad recall a bizarre night they experienced in the French Quarter of New Orleans when both they and a friend were abducted. After they awakened in their own homes, no one had the same story to tell.
Episode 2: Up Close With A UFO
Roger is out one night exploring with a friend when he sees what he thinks is a helicopter. He soon comes to realize that this flying craft is no helicopter, and what he knew as reality is about to change in an instant.