491: Sasquatch, Skinwalkers, and Rogue Medicine Men (Members)
In Episode 491: Sasquatch, Skinwalkers, and Rogue Medicine Men, we are joined by Morgan, who previously joined us for Episode 427: Talking Red-Eyed Bigfoot He returns with more stories from his reservation in British Columbia, talking with us about sasquatch encounters and rogue medicine men who turn into the embodied evil known as skinwalkers. This will also not be Morgan’s last appearance on the show, as we eventually plan to have Morgan and Jamaal from Episodes 315, 339. and 412 on the show together to discuss the stories and legends from their respective reservations. to us about sasquatch encounters and rogue medicine men that turn into the embodied evil known as skinwalkers.
299: The Spider Crawl
In Episode 299: The Spider Crawl, we are joined by Cheyanne and Joanna. Cheyanne shares some significant paranormal experiences that both she and her family members have been through throughout her life. These experiences range from UFOs, to ghosts, to the “Black Nemesis.” Following Cheyanne's stories, her brother's fiancée Joanna joins us to describe her bigfoot experience in Washington state. While picking mushrooms, she saw a large creature that walked away from her in a bizarre manner - by dropping down to all fours and "spider walking," all while keeping its torso turned towards her! To Joanna, the creature did not seem like it was of this world, leaving her very confused by what she saw. Interesting to note is that Joanna’s bigfoot encounter is eerily similar to that of the experience of Wes Germer from 'Sasquatch Chronicles'.
235: The Sea Squatch (Members)
On Episode 235: The Sea Squatch, we talk with guest Clint about a creature he saw that neither one of us is able to clearly identify. Clint was out of the country on a “guys’ trip adventure” that was supposed to be a typical fun time. As the group was trekking through wild areas, Clint got used to seeing things in the environment that he never imagined were real. But when he went scuba diving, he saw a very unusual something deep under the water - it was extremely large, covered in hair, and seemingly a hominid!
174: Surrounded By Sasquatch (Members)
On Episode 174: Surrounded By Sasquatch, guest Michael joins The Confessionals. Michael seems to be the kind of person with the ability to make others feel comfortable to open up to him, no matter how strange what they have to say might be! For Episode 174, Michael shares some bigfoot experiences that have been told to him by various people!
173: The Faceless Sasquatch
In Episode 173: The Faceless Sasquatch, we speak with guest Mo who had an encounter with a sasquatch in Pennsylvania. As he recounts his story, it becomes very apparent that Mo's experience is even rarer than most, when he realized that this monster he was looking at did not have a face!
Episode 121: Sasquatch, Spirits and Psychos
On Episode 121, guest Josh joins The Confessionals to first share his experience coming across a gorilla - which he quickly realized was in fact a Bigfoot! Josh also shares with us some experiences of paranormal activity, including an encounter with a ghostly entity that went right through his body.