360: Discovering MK-Ultra | Part 2 (Members)
In Episode 360: Discovering MK-Ultra Part 2, we are joined again by Cat. In the first installment with Cat on The Confessionals in Episode 241, she revealed experiences that sounded so similar to MK-Ultra experiences, which came as a shock and revelation to her as she was interviewing. Since that interview, she and I have kept in contact as she started discovering new memories and connecting more puzzle pieces. In this episode, we discuss politicians, big companies, and how Cat’s mom “pimped her out” to a man who seemed like he came from the future. However, when I asked her to go into more detail about the school she attended as a child, our communication suddenly started acting like something was tampering with it. As you will hear, sometimes when you are talking to Cat, you may really be talking to more than just Cat.
BONUS: Discovering MK-ULTRA & Bigfoot
I thought it would be fun to put out a mid-week show where Joel from VanTesla and I talk about the recently released single, "Bigfoot" and how that song came together. While I had Joel on with me we dove into some discussion on the infamous member's episode, "Discovering MK-ULTRA" where I found myself in the awkward position of having to inform "Cat" that she may have been part of the MK-ULTRA program. After that release Cat and I kept in contact as she was connecting dots and finding new pieces to her life's puzzle. We decided to bring Cat back on for a second interview for this coming Thursday's member show and things got weird during our recording. It seemed as though someone was trying to cut Cat off from speaking about a certain thing. She talked about a bunch of things that one could consider heavy topics but none of them seemed to get the interference that we got until we started talking about the "school" she had to go to as a child.
317: Satanic Panic and MK Ultra
In Episode 317: Satanic Panic and MK Ultra, we have the pleasure of speaking with Matt, a member of the Quinney family. The Quinney family went through hell when their father, Melvin Quinney, was wrongfully accused and convicted of being a satanic cult leader who abused children. Matt shares with us how the events unfolded, how he and his siblings found out the truth about their father, and what they are doing now to exonerate Melvin. During our conversation, Matt also discusses his mother's mental illness, which played a part in his father being locked away for many years. As he reveals more details about his mother, the topic of MK Ultra surfaces and will leave you wondering if the Quinneys' unfortunate situation stems from an even darker origin. Matt's conversation extends over a two parts, first as a public episode (Episode 317), and also as an Overtime episode.
229: MK-Ultra Super Soldier (Members)
On Episode 229: MK-Ultra Super Soldier, we talk with Holly who, since 2014, has been piecing together memories of her life as an MK-Ultra super soldier. Her story is one of great depth and intrigue because she has endured countless traumatic events through 169 different alters that she has inside her. Holly is open to answering the questions I ask, leading to a very candid interview that delves into Nazi scientists, stargates, satanic ritual abuse, time travel, and deep space exploration! With so much information to cover, this may only be the first of many interviews with Holly!