429: Drugs and Demons (Members)
In Episode 429: Drugs and Demons, we welcome Judy to The Confessionals. Sometimes it seems like certain life circumstances can spawn paranormal activity in someone’s life, and that holds true in Judy’s case. Because of an abusive situation at home, Judy found herself as an emancipated minor in the 1970s, and she hitchhiked all over the country from ages 13 to 21. In her travels, she became mixed up in the wrong crowds, ranging from drug activity to satanic witchcraft cults. As a result of her personal life experiences and witnessing demons and demonic possessions, Judy was later motivated to get a degree in psychology. She believes that some people diagnosed with schizophrenia are in fact misdiagnosed, and more likely are really demonically possessed. Judy's life was a whirlwind of drama, but she made it through the rough spots and hopes to inspire others into understanding they are not alone in these experiences.