511: Doppelganger Spirits (Members)
In Episode 511: Doppelganger Spirits we are joined by Jay. He comes to share his experiences with the paranormal and how there were mimicking spirits popping up in his life. After talking about these things he tells about his encounter with what seems to be a sasquatch while he was hunting.
361: Creatures Between The Veil
In Episode 361: Creatures Between the Veil, Daniel has many experiences to share with us, including the paranormal, doppelgangers, UFOs, bigfoot, orbs, and more! I initially interviewed Daniel for one episode, but following our first talk, he contacted me again because more activity had started kicking up in his life. Daniel then came back on the show to record an Overtime episode, giving us updates and sharing a childhood memory of a creature he saw lurking in the woods in an abandoned house. When Daniel returned home with his friend, they realized that whatever they had seen had followed them.
200: The Five Demons
On our 200th episode, The Five Demons, our guest Anna joins us to share how she has been haunted by five demons throughout her life. She has some interesting stories to share, including the story of a picture that seems to have been taken of Anna with her friends - except that she swears she was never there that night, and it isn’t her in the photo! Could the image be a picture of her doppelganger? Or even a strange time slip into a parallel dimension? Tune in to Episode 200 and let us know what you think!
Episode 117: Gorilla Man, Doppelgängers and Demons, Oh My!
On Episode 117, we speak with Jim Harold from the Paranormal Podcast, and also Alika from The Confessionals’ artistic design team! First, Jim joins us to share some of the spooky experiences that continue to motivate him to delve deeper into the paranormal realm. After Jim’s experiences, we bring on Alika from Hawaii as he describes seeing a “gorilla man” in his house, doppelgängers, evil reflections, shadow kids, and much more!