497: Black Eyed Kid UFO Abduction (Members)
In Episode 497: Black Eyed Kid UFO Abduction, we are going to be speaking with Brandie. Her story involves not only her own abductions, but also the experiences of her father and her children. It started when she was a newborn baby and an entity visited her while she slept in her parents’ room. During this visitation, her mother witnessed the whole event but could not move because she was suddenly paralyzed and could only watch the interaction take place. Later in childhood, Brandie was coaxed outside her home by a little girl with black eyes. Once she began having exchanges with the little girl, she started to realizer something was off. But at that point, it was too late - Brandie was put on a craft after begging to be left alone. Her story is one that makes you question things like, "What are the black-eyed kids?", "What really are UFOs?", and "Could UFOs and these encounters with beings be something more nefarious than previously thought?"
177: Black Eyed Kids and The Reaper (Members)
In Episode 177: Black Eyed Kids and The Reaper, we have two guests joining the show! First, Mary shares her experiences with black-eyed kids and the Grim Reaper! Following Mary’s interview, we are joined by Kevin, who talks about two places where he lived north of Allentown, Pennsylvania that both had paranormal activity attached to them.
144: The DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases)
On Episode 144: The DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), guest Cari joins The Confessionals to tell an extraordinary story of what happens when you purchase a private property in the middle of a national forest! She shares with us how she found out she was living on top of a DUMB (deep underground military base) and the bizarre things that happened as a result! She talks about her husband being almost killed, and seeing upright walking dogs, white gorillas (bigfoot), BEKs (black eyed kids) portals, and more! Oh, and our phones MIGHT have been tapped during this recording... Don’t miss this episode!