Written Confession: A Little Girl Wakes Up To a Little Devil
The following written confession was submitted via email: When I was 3 or 4 I was sleeping in the back bedroom of my grandmas trailer on the Oneida Rez in Wisconsin. I was in a toddler sized bed at the foot of my moms bed. I woke up and this little “devil” was sitting on my stomach just staring and smiling at me, his smile was like the Cheshire cats, really big that went up to his eyes. He was holding something….
Written Confession: Surviving a Car Wreck That Never Happened
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by alexsangthat: So I don’t really know how to explain this or if it even fits on this sub or even what actually happened if I’m being honest, but regardless I will try to relay the story. I was driving to work yesterday morning and I’m coming up a side street that connects to a very busy road in my area. It’s the main road that stretches through like 20 towns. I get to the red light at this main road and sit there for about 15 seconds before seeing a car pull up behind me. As the car comes to a complete stop behind me, my eyes drift from the rearview mirror to the stop light in front of me….
Written Confession: Who Keeps Calling My Name?
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by WolfChrist469: When we first moved into the house I grew up in, I used to hear things calling my name from the opposite end of the house. Like...I would be in my room playing with Legos or something, and I would hear my dad call my name from his room. So I'd go to my parents' bedroom and ask them what they wanted, and they'd always tell me that they never called my name….
Written Confession: I Don't Know What I Encountered in the Australian Woods
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by Enigmacipher17: …I was out driving at around 11:30pm with my girlfriend and as we were in the area decided to show her the woodlands while we were in the area as she loves everything to do with nature and it was summer so an extremely warm night. I left my car with the lights shining into the trees as we weren’t going too far in and it was pitch black inside and the two of us just kind of sat chatting, having a smoke and generally relaxing, she was sitting on a sort of map of the area that had been put in on some plastic and I was keeping an eye on the trees as I had a feeling that something was just wrong…
Written Confession: Phantom Truck Crash in Missouri
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: One of the strangest things that ever happened to me was one time when I was first married, probably around 1987 I took my wife's brother and three nephews camping in a cave. It was located on Highway 17 near Waynesville Missouri, near the Gascanade River, that's not to far from Ft. Lenard Wood. This is a huge cave and can be seen from the highway…
VIDEO: Odd Orbs Outside Our House!
Videos and images of orbs can be a tough call when it comes to figuring out what exactly they are. Many cases can probably be attributed to backscatter, or an insect scrambling in front of a lens, or even a reflection created by the camera itself. Then there are other orb images that defy the regular explanations and make you take a closer look at the footage to figure out what’s going on! We’ve got one of those videos here - sent to us by our neighbor - so help us come up with an explanation! What could these orbs be?
Written Confession: The Disappearing Barn in the Field
The following written confession was submitted via email: I was just listening to your podcast episode 64 on the Disappearing Church, and it reminded me of an experience I had when I was around 12 years of age. I lived in a rural portion of NY near an old Indian Reservation, the town is old and has changed much over the centuries (you would recognize nothing). My friend and I were hiking in the woods and came out onto a field…
Written Confession: Unusual Ring-Shaped UFOs Caught on Camera in New York
The following written confession, photos, and video were submitted via email: I live in an apartment complex in a big town south of Saratoga Springs, NY. On the night of the incident i was taking out my garbage. It was about 7:40pm EST when i noticed 2, ring shaped objects in the sky with an orange illumination to them coming from the direction of a retirement home we have in our complex. I hurried back home to grab my phone to record and take pictures….
Creature Feature Friday: The Moving Mystery Mannequins of the John Lawson House
From the early 2000s to later 2016, the moving mystyery mannequins of the John Lawson House were the talk of the town - because no one knew where they came from, what they were doing, or how they seemed to move of their own accord every night. It’s been over a decade since the life-size dolls first appeared, and the riddle of the moving mannequins is still unsolved! Check out 5 things we know about these creepy artificial creatures and try to answer all the questions that remain.
Written Confession: Guest On Episode 170 Films Strange Object Above His House in Pennsylvania
The following written confession was shared via email and YouTube by our guest Jeff on Episode 170: Bigfoot in Rural Pennsylvania. After recording his interview with The Confessionals, Jeff recently filmed and sent us this footage of a strange object above his house: Spotted over Berks county Pa. while working in the garden on the afternoon of 10-5-2019. By chance I happened to looked up and noticed something high overhead. It appeared to be white and standing still…
Written Confession: Eerie Mirror Image Men Who Appeared Out of Nowhere
When my best friend and I were in high school , we used to walk around the cul de sac at the end of our street just talking. One time , we were out there around 9 pm. We lived in a small quiet neighborhood. The cul de sac was at the end of the road surrounded by woods. There were only 3 houses there and we knew all of the people that lived there well. None had kids. We had walked around the circle About ten times when we both noticed two older boys in the road walking away from us down the street . . .
Written Confession: An Eerie, Unexpected Scene on the Side of the Road
The following written confession was originally shared online: On one of these day trips I was driving through a heavily wooded area that opened up to a field lined with trees on my left. I was pretty zoned out at this point, but something on the side of the road immediately caught my attention. In fact, it even seemed that time slowed so that I could see this apparition with more vivid detail than any random artifact I would ever glance at lying off the roadside…
BLOG: Scary Pictures of Shadow People Caught on Camera
Did you really see that? Out of the corner of your eye - something quick, something dark. It kind of looked like… well, like a person. But when you turn your head, you see… nothing. Was it just your imagination? Now you second-guess yourself, thinking your mind was playing tricks on you. After all, there’s nobody there. It’s only shadows… right?
BLOG: 10 Historical Facts About Enochian - the Language of Angels and the Occult
The world has over 6,000 languages, but how often have you heard Enochian? The Enochian language is a researched but still mysterious form of communication allegedly handed down from the angels themselves. Named for the biblical figure Enoch, the Enochian language has become a means of magic for the world of the Occult, although its validity has come into question over the years.
Written Confession: Still Looking for Answers About “The White Thing”
The following written confession was originally shared online: So I've read nearly every post on here and have yet to find anything that sounds exactly like what my friends and I used to call the white thing. I grew up in rural Pennsylvania and a big group of us used to hang out at my friends parents house. His dad was a doctor so they had this huge house deep in the woods so we would spend basically every day and night here….