Written Confession: Strange 1920s Apparition Puzzles Family in Kentucky
The following written confession was submitted via email: Early summer 86/87. Me and my brother's were throwing a football around in our front yard. We lived out in the country in Kentucky. Anyway my brother threw the football and I missed it, it rolled under a bush. I crawled under and got it. When I stood up to throw it, my brothers were both staring at the road...
BLOG: Creepy Accounts of Time Slips, Lost Time, and Shifting Realities - Part 2
Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’ into the future… and the past, and the present, and the next dimension… Welcome to Part 2 of Creepy Accounts of Time Slips, Lost Time, and Shifting Realities.
BLOG: Creepy Accounts of Time Slips, Lost Time, and Shifting Realities - Part 1
They say time is relative. Are space, dimension, and reality relative as well? From suddenly stepping into a time long past, to losing hours of unaccounted time, to changing locations in the blink of an eye and returning to places that no longer exist, these creepy accounts of time slips, lost time, and shifting realities may have you questioning the corporeality of our present existence.
Written Confession: The Money-Counting Apparition in Australia
The following written confession was submitted via email: I went on holiday to Kangaroo Island in South Australia with my partner at the time. We stayed at the Pennashaw hotel/motel on the last night before leaving..I was watching a program on the Barney and Betty Hill abduction that night and went to sleep about 11:00….
Written Confession: The Phantom Family of Florida
The following written confession was submitted via email: …as he walked through the neighborhood he heard someone yell his nickname he was given as a child in West Virginia, "hey hog, hey hog Ryder" … he sees a vaguely familiar face on a man that is sitting on his front porch, children running around and wife close by yelling at them, he approached the home and said "how did you know my nick name?"…
Written Confession: Surviving a Car Wreck That Never Happened
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by alexsangthat: So I don’t really know how to explain this or if it even fits on this sub or even what actually happened if I’m being honest, but regardless I will try to relay the story. I was driving to work yesterday morning and I’m coming up a side street that connects to a very busy road in my area. It’s the main road that stretches through like 20 towns. I get to the red light at this main road and sit there for about 15 seconds before seeing a car pull up behind me. As the car comes to a complete stop behind me, my eyes drift from the rearview mirror to the stop light in front of me….
Written Confession: The Disappearing Barn in the Field
The following written confession was submitted via email: I was just listening to your podcast episode 64 on the Disappearing Church, and it reminded me of an experience I had when I was around 12 years of age. I lived in a rural portion of NY near an old Indian Reservation, the town is old and has changed much over the centuries (you would recognize nothing). My friend and I were hiking in the woods and came out onto a field…
Written Confession: An Eerie, Unexpected Scene on the Side of the Road
The following written confession was originally shared online: On one of these day trips I was driving through a heavily wooded area that opened up to a field lined with trees on my left. I was pretty zoned out at this point, but something on the side of the road immediately caught my attention. In fact, it even seemed that time slowed so that I could see this apparition with more vivid detail than any random artifact I would ever glance at lying off the roadside…