BLOG: Creepy Accounts of Time Slips, Lost Time, and Shifting Realities - Part 2

Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’ into the future… and the past, and the present, and the next dimension… Welcome to Part 2 of Creepy Accounts of Time Slips, Lost Time, and Shifting Realities.

Two Women Experience Two Simultaneous Realities

Time Slip Accounts: This lady and her stepdaughter were crossing a busy street with many lanes, and as they entered the final lane before reaching the other side, they realized they were going to be struck by a car. But instead of the car hitting them, they both wound up automatically on the other side of the road.

Then they appeared to have “hallucinated”, seeing themselves as though the vehicle had struck them. She can even describe the interior of the ambulance that she was transported in, and apparently later died in, even though she has never been in an ambulance before.

Both experienced this. She says she wakes up every day unsure if she’s living in a dream.

As I heard this story 15 years ago, it will not be 100 percent accurate. And it apparently happened another 20 years before I first heard it.

I’m usually a little skeptical but this has come from someone who is not an attention-seeker…

A New Arrest is Old News

Time Slip Accounts: This one hit a little closer to home.  And I'm still questioning my sanity/memory.  This evening my friend K. texted me that a former student of mine had been arrested for a certain misdemeanor.  It was a real surprise to both of us, who'd have never expected such a thing from this particular student.  We texted back and forth a few minutes, and this was while I was in Austin with my husband.  We had just finished up at one place and were heading to another when K. and I were texting.  I said nothing to my husband until a few hours later at a friend's house when the general subject of crime came up.  I turned to, my husband and said, "Oh, yeah, one of my [identifier] students --" before I could finish, he said, "I know; he [insert specific crime]."  

"How did you know?"  I asked.

"You told me," he said.


"Last week."  

I tried to explain I had only just learned about this, even showing him K's text.  He insisted that not only had I told him last week, but the two of us had even gone online to see if it had made the news yet. He even knew that it had happened in the very location that it had happened -- a detail he couldn't have guessed at. He said we did this search from his office in his study.

We haven't found any trace of our alleged online search on any of our computers.  I have no idea where this memory of his comes from. I only know that if I HAD known about the incident, I'd have told K. before going home and telling my husband.  The fact that she was the one that told me proves to me I didn't know until then. Furthermore, I wouldn't have known about the incident UNTIL it made the news.

Stationery Moment in Time -
Man Buys Envelopes from Victorian-Era Shop Clerk 

Time Slip Accounts: From "The Directory of Possibilities," edited by Colin Wilson and John Grant, published 1981 by Webb & Bower.

In "The Mask of Time," Joan Forman has described many timeslips. Perhaps the oddest concerns a Mr. Squirrel, who in 1973 went into a stationer's shop in Great Yarmouth to buy some envelopes. He was served by a woman in Edwardian dress and bought three dozen envelopes for a shilling. He noticed that the building was extremely silent -- there was no traffic noise. On visiting the shop three weeks later, he found it completely changed and modernized; the assistant, an elderly lady, denied that there had been any other assistant in the shop the previous week. 

The envelopes disintegrated very quickly. Forman heard of the case and interviewed Squirrel; he was able to produce for her one of the remaining envelopes. Forman wrote to the manufacturers, who said that such envelopes had ceased to be manufactured 15 years before.

Lost Time At a Creepy Home in Ohio

ThoughtCo.: This story takes place in Austintown, Ohio on Route 76 back in 1981. I was 20. Dad asked me if I wanted to look at a house that was for rent. The next morning we went to his mom's house at 5:00 for some coffee. She asked what we were doing out so early. Dad told her that we were meeting a realtor at at 6:00. At 5:30, we left getting to the house a couple minutes before 6.

As we pulled in the drive, we noticed the yard had not been cared for. The house was a rectangular two-story dwelling with front windows only on the second floor. As we got out of the van, it was a quiet, calm day except for two kids laughing in the back yard. We figured it was the neighbor kids from across the street. As we approached the back of the house, there was a swing set with two swings. They were swinging in opposite directions with nobody on them. There was laughter of a boy and a girl. Another quick glance and the swings were still. Dad asked if I had seen that. I had.

We proceeded back to the side of the house. We passed the garage. It had two wooden doors with small glass panes. We looked in the window. The garage had a dirt floor and was empty. We walked up to the side porch. The door was unlocked so we went inside. 
Dad turned on the switch, but no lights came on. I tried a few with no luck. The inside of the house was weird. There was a large room with doorways branching off. The living room was like none I had ever seen. It was about 10x40 with no windows except for the small one in the door. I went back into where dad was. He was trying to open the basement door, which was locked. Dad asked if I was ready to go. Instead of leaving, he went into the living room and stared out the front door window for about three or four minutes. I was about to go upstairs when I got an eerie feeling. So, I stayed in the main area.

Dad then came out and asked if I was ready to go again. At that point, dad made the remark that we hadn't tried that door. We had. It was the locked basement door. He turned the knob and the door opened. The hair on the back of my kneck stood up. Now I was getting scared. Dad flipped the light switch and it came on. I was wondering why the other lights didn't come on earlier. Dad proceeded to go down the steps, but I was leary. I went down. The basement was small. There was an old wringer washer with a loaded revolver on the lid. It was like the silver and ivory-handled cap guns that kids use today. I picked it up four inches off the lid and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a light cord moving. The lights went out and the door slammed shut. It was so dark you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. I felt aimlessly for my dad. Holding his shirt, we went up the stairs. At the top, he stopped and let out a blood-curdling scream. It made my blood run cold. I pushed him and he pushed the door open. All the lights were on and it was dark outside.

After jumping in the van, dad turned the headlights on. The garage doors were open. There was a lamb lying on the dirt floor with its throat slashed, jerking violently. Blood was running into the dirt.

When we arrived back at my grandmother's, it was 2:30 a.m. She asked where we had been all day. We had lost 21 hours in five minutes time in the basement. Later, we drove past the house and all the doors were shut and the lights were out. When I would ask dad about what he had seen, he would cuddle in the corner and shake like a kid crying. To this day, I don't know what he saw and I don't want to know. Since he has passed away, I will never know.

When I went back in 1987, to see if the house was still there, it was boarded up. There was a large FBI sign on the house stating that for your own safety, stay out.

Past Meets Present, Son Meets Dead Father

Reddit: This happened 2 years ago, but I'm just putting it all on paper now. I'll try to keep this a brief as possible.

In 2013 I was a senior at NYU in New York City. I was born in New York, but moved to Florida around 4 years old after my father died in a train wreck. He was also born in New York, lived there his whole life, and became a successful doctor with a practice in the Empire State Building. New York always felt like 'my town', in part because it was his town. He loved this place, and so would I.

In November, I was walking around the campus near Washington Square Park. I'm walking with my girlfriend when I see a man from behind. There was a familiarity about him, and my interest was peaked.

I sometimes day dreamed about what it would be like if my father weren't actually dead, and were still somehow alive. And how it would be to see him again.

I was curious to see just how familiar this man looked, so I caught up to him and threw a glance behind me.

He was a dead ringer for my dad.

5'7'', handsome, bright-eyed. His clothing was a bit dated, but I didn't think anything of it at the time.

I slowed down and he caught me looking. He was staring straight into my eyes. It was my dad.


I didn't know what to say. Dad? David? Mr. Greenwald? Name. Good place to start. I asked him for his.

"David. Can I help you?"

Now I'm starting to freak out. I'm looking directly at his face, studying it. Was my memory playing tricks on me? Was I losing my mind? I looked at my girlfriend wild-eyed, and could see she was starting to catch on. She knew what my dad looked like from photos, plus the PBS documentary about him I made her watch. Her neck was sticking out at a weird angle.

I threw a barrage of questions in his direction. What do you do...Where are you from...What year is it...


Now I'm shaking. I start yelling at my girlfriend. Get your phone out! Record this! Get Photos! I wanted proof. I wanted something else to show me this was real.

"I have to go." 

He starts to walk away. I felt the moment slipping away.

"Dad! Do NOT ride the train. DO NOT RIDE THE TRAIN."

I didn't know what else to say. I turn to grab the phone out of my girlfriend's hand and when I turn back he's gone. Vanished. Like he wasn't there at all.

I asked my girlfriend what happened to him, but she was looking away too.

I ran to the corner and looked around like a crazed mad-man. Nothing.

After this incident, I was sick for days. I couldn't focus on anything. I didn't know what to do, who to tell, what to think.

Then I remembered his diary which I keep. I've never read it, out of respect for his privacy, but it was his and so I take care of it.

You can guess what happened next. I went to 1985, November, and started reading entries. His handwriting was hard to read - he was a doctor after all - but I did my best and I found it.

"Walking to Elsa's when [illegible] the street in strange clothes stops me [illegible] questions [illegible] Told me not to ride the train. Pleaded, really. Scared me half to death [illegible] disappearing. Note to self: Consider carrying mace for future crazies.

What am I supposed to think about that? What am I supposed to think about anything? I heard once that time is like a fabric, something that can fold on itself. A piece of 'cloth' rubs up against another piece and there's a bridge.

I stood on that bridge and looked into 1985.

People ask me why I walk home from work every day. All 30 blocks. Now you know why. If the fabric folds again I want to be there.

Returning to the House That Wasn’t There

ThoughtCo.: I swear this is a true story. My husband was carting wheat in the summer of 1994. He was outside Molong in NSW, Australia, and drove past a "For Sale" sign on a farm gate along with the agents details. Our 12-year-old son was with him. On the return journey, they stopped, climbed through the fence and walked up the circle-shaped drive to have a closer look at the old house. He said he could see through the window and found the old house old and abandoned.

On his return home a few days later, we rang up the agent and asked for further details about the property, as we were interested in purchasing it. The agent had no idea what we were talking about and insisted that he had no properties for sale on that road. A week later, my husband and I drove to Molong to have a look at the farm ourselves. We drove up and down the whole road until we were almost to the next town. All that he could recognize was a water tank on the hill, a creek and some trees where the house used to be. There was no gate, drive, real estate sign... or house.

Doppelganger Appears in Area Known For Time Slips

Reddit: Hi, this is the first time I have written in with anything but I specifically joined up to see if there was anything on here relating to my experience, there wasn’t so I’d love to hear what others say on this. I am still quite freaked out by this so I’ll do my best to set the scene a little bit. 

I recently left my job and have been unemployed for about a month. I went to an interview on Thursday last week for a job I really wanted, and they rang back on Friday morning to offer me the job. I was so happy and decided to go to the Tesco to get some nice food to celebrate. 

So anyway I walked out of the shop and set off walking home but I noticed someone staring at me out of the corner of my eye about 10m in front of me. I looked over and there was indeed someone staring back. The guy was identical to me, in every way, even down to the slightly pronounced underbite which is quite recognisable. And he looked terrified as he looked at me. As I met his eyes I immediately started feeling extremely nauseous and my hearing a thumping in my ears like I was about to pass out or something. I remember not being able to hear anything during this point as well apart from the thumping. 

So then, the guy turns away and walks into a side street and out of sight. The weird thing was that as soon as he broke the gaze I felt better straight away, like someone that was sitting on my chest just got off. So I carried on walking in that direction towards that side street and looked up it and the guy was sprinting – full on hell for leather sprinting – down the street away from the corner in which I saw him. The guy was dressed in a nice suit with an open collar black shirt and it was weird to see him running in that gear. 

I spoke to friends as soon as I got back and they told me that the area of Liverpool centre where I saw the person has been known to have something called time-slips which can be explained with this video - But this wasn’t the same as the other experiences described in that video, this guy was the same age approx. in the same style suit that would be worn today.


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