Written Confession: Haunted Home Full of Old Random Children's Teeth
The following written confession was submitted via email: . . . Now every time something happened she’d make sure it wasn’t one of her kids and most of the time it wasn’t because if they weren’t with her talking to me they were playing in front of her as she was renovating at the time. So fast forward to 2021 and one night she rang me early completely puzzled. She was doing laundry and came back I think to the office and there was an old child’s tooth . . .
Written Confession: Missile Rises Out of the Ground in Allegheny Forest
The following written confession was shared via email: I just wanted to let you know that this quick story my dad has told me many times. My father and I are Eagle Scouts and have spent 1000 of hours in the forest. My father is also the most honest person I know, he was born in Johnstown PA and lived until he was 20 in Eerie PA. My father hiked in the 60's, and 70's all over the Allegheny Forest….
BLOG: 15 Curious and Creepy Places You Can Explore in Pennsylvania, and 5 You (Probably) Shouldn't Attempt
Oh, hey, fellow Pennsylvanians - it’s National Pennsylvania Day! As native Pennsylvanians, we’ve discovered the state we call home is full of creepy places, fascinating history, and mysterious legends. Some are well-known and well-traveled, while others are obscure and secret, but all of them are worthwhile treasures of experience! Whether you also hail from Pennsylvania or plan to visit the wonders of the Keystone State some day, be sure to check out these 15 Curious and Creepy Places You Can Explore in Pennsylvania, and 5 You (Probably) Shouldn't Attempt in honor of National Pennsylvania Day!
BLOG: The Confessionals Podcast Paranormal Occurrences Tour to Burn Brae Mansion (and Other Mysterious Locations!)
In June, The Confessionals took its very first overnight trip into the paranormal! Partnered with the tour and travel company Educated Wanderer, we set off on our ‘Paranormal Occurrences’ tour to explore haunted locations and mysterious places in Pennsylvania and New York. Take a look through our photo album featuring all our unique stops along the way, including Columcille Megalith Park, the haunted Richmond Hotel and the Point Phillips Hotel, supernatural Hexenkopf Rock, and spooky Burn Brae Mansion!
Written Confession: Intercepted While Exploring at Raven Rock Mountain Complex
The following written confession was submitted via email: I just listened to your episode about Raven Rock and wanted to share an experience of my own... I'm from PA as well, and my buddies and I were spending a weekend in Gettysburg. We had heard about Raven Rock, and were relatively close by so we figured, what the heck... Let's go see it. At this point we weren't sure what was up there….
VIDEO: Tony Merkel Interview with Cryptovania TV Available Now - Watch It Here!
Back in August we shared that Tony had the opportunity to interview with Cryptovania TV! We are now excited to announce that his interview is officially available for viewing… and you can check out a special presentation of the first episode of Cryptovania TV’s second season right here, right now! Settle in, hit play, and enjoy Tony’s conversation with hosts Tommy and Jason. Welcome to Cryptovania!
BLOG: Pennhurst Asylum ParaCon 2019 Photo Album!
On July 20th & 21st, The Confessionals Podcast attended Pennhurst Asylum ParaCon 2019 in Spring, City, Pennsylvania! During what became the hottest weekend of the year in PA (so far), paranormal enthusiasts, vendors, and special guests gathered at the legendary haunted hospital complex of Pennhurst Asylum for historical tours, investigations, lectures, and much more! Check out over 60 photos of our weekend at Pennhurst ParaCon 2019.
Written Confession: Still Looking for Answers About “The White Thing”
The following written confession was originally shared online: So I've read nearly every post on here and have yet to find anything that sounds exactly like what my friends and I used to call the white thing. I grew up in rural Pennsylvania and a big group of us used to hang out at my friends parents house. His dad was a doctor so they had this huge house deep in the woods so we would spend basically every day and night here….