VIDEO: Facebook User Shares Quick Clip of Strange Dark Figure Walking on Wooded Kentucky Road
If a mysterious video isn’t short, blurry, and shaky, is it even worth watching?! In a ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ clip posted on Facebook, a FB user shared footage of what appears to be a tall figure robed all in black walking along a wooded road in Kentucky.
Written Confession: Teen Home Alone Hears an Unknown Creature Screaming and Slamming On the Door
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by micahrocky: This still gives me the chills whenever I think about it, but I thought I should share my story with you guys. When I was 14 (a couple years ago), I was home alone in my living room, playing Halo 3. I was just chilling when I heard lots of leaves rustle outside. I live in a pretty secluded forest, and my closest neibour [sic] was roughly a mile away. My parents had gone to run errands and were about 30 minutes away….