READ: Little Girl Tells Parents She Has Monsters in Her Room - They Find Something Very Real
Ashley Massis Class's tale of her daughter's monster "fears led to a startling discovery that reminds us never to dismiss a child's “vivid imagination” too quickly. The saga, shared by Ashley on TikTok under her handle @classashley, began innocuously enough with her eldest child began insisting there were monsters in her room.
READ: First Official Loch Ness Monster Sighting of 2024 is Recorded
Brace yourselves: the first official Loch Ness Monster sighting of 2024 has finally been recorded — and it’s just as blurry as you’d expect it to be!
Creature Feature Friday: Man-Eating Trees
It’s time again for Creature Feature Friday, and we’re “branching” out to a really odd monstrosity… Man-Eating Trees! There are different types of man-eating trees, some well known by their own individual names, and others are hiding among their non-carnivorous counterparts until suddenly making their presence known by grabbing an unsuspecting snack. Below are 5 quick things to know about these deadly plants: