VIDEO: Tony Merkel Makes 2nd Appearance on TV Show ‘Living East Tennessee’ to Discuss Folklore of Appalachia
Tony Merkel was recently featured on the TV show Living East Tennessee, where he shared his passion for the unexplained and explored some mysterious legends of Appalachia, including the Moon-Eyed People and portals at Moravian Falls.
READ: First Official Loch Ness Monster Sighting of 2024 is Recorded
Brace yourselves: the first official Loch Ness Monster sighting of 2024 has finally been recorded — and it’s just as blurry as you’d expect it to be!
BLOG: A St. Patrick’s Day Exploration of 7 Creepy Legends and Lore from Ireland
As St. Patrick's Day approaches, Ireland, with its verdant landscapes and ancient castles, intrigues us to explore the shadowy and legendary corners of its lore. Irish mythology and folklore are rich with tales of the supernatural, from eerie banshees to mysterious faeries. Here are (lucky) seven of the creepiest legends and lore from Ireland, where history and mystery meet.
Creature Feature Friday: The Squonk
If ever a creature was walloped by the ugly stick, it is the extraordinary Squonk. This unique cryptid out of lumberjack lore has rarely ever been sighted, and for good reason - it’s hideous. Have you ever heard of this monstrous little beast before? Check out a few (alleged) facts about the Squonk in today’s Creature Feature Friday!
Creature Feature Friday: Belsnickel, the Cantankerous Christmas Gift-Bringer
Impish or admirable? Cheer or fear? If you’re a diehard fan of the legendary show The Office, then 1) there’s a good chance we can be best friends, and 2) you’ve definitely heard of the cantankerous Yuletide folk figure known as Belsnickel. So just who is this grim, grimy Christmas legend?
Creature Feature Friday: Kushtaka, the 'Land Otter Man'
TODAY, April 30, The Confessionals Podcast and Anointed AK are dropping three new paranormal beard oil scents, in the form of Wendigo, Rake, and Kushtaka. While the two former creatures may be notorious enough to strike fear in your heart, the latter may not be so widely known. What IS Kushtaka… and just how frightening is it? Creature Feature Friday breaks the legend down!
Creature Feature Friday: Leprechauns
What better Creature Feature Friday for the week of St. Patrick’s Day than the LEPRECHAUN? In Irish folklore, leprechauns are part of the fairy family, a solitary kind of fae that practices shoe-making and playing practical jokes. Though their existence has not been proven or disproven, leprechauns are officially protected as a species under European law. Check out 5 more fast facts about leprechauns here, and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Creature Feature Friday: Mongolian Death Worm
Today’s Creature Feature Friday takes a look at a desert legend that has been sighted from 1927 to at least 2013 - the Mongolian Death Worm! Resembling a cow’s intestines, the creepy cryptid can supposedly corrode metal with its acid venom, spends most of its time tunneling underground, and was the inspiration for the movie monster in a '90s cult classic!
Creature Feature Friday: The Pukwudgie
It’s Creature Feature Friday! It may be small, but it’s deadly, mean, and not to be trifled with. Take a look at 5 disturbing details about the magical North American cryptid known as the Pukwudgie… including its appearance in The Confessionals Episode 50: Haunting Stories of Onset, Massachusetts.
Written Confession: The Scotland Goblins
The following written confession was submitted via email: …We always wear dark clothes in the woods and dark paint or camouflage even while fishing, we followed the noise up over the ridge down a small hill and over a stream like body of water the noise was getting loud but it sounded like two people speaking or disagreeing maybe two lost tourists from somewhere in Europe was my guess until we sneaked over the ridge crawling on our stomach trying not to be seen…
Creature Feature Friday: The Momo
This edition of Creature Feature Friday presents: The Momo. Check out five alleged facts this hairy pumpkin-headed bipedal cryptid.
BLOG: THE CONFESSIONALS EXCLUSIVE - Are Old Legend Giants Living in the Modern Day World?
Throughout historical lore and legend, there is one fearsome figure who looms large, in a very literal sense, in stories told by numerous cultures and peoples around the world: the Giant.