READ: Hundreds Search Loch Ness in Epic ‘Quest’ for Elusive Lake Monster
Intriguing sights and sounds have recently emerged from a major new investigation of Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands, sparking renewed excitement among Nessie enthusiasts. During the annual Nessie-hunting event known as Quest, organized by the Loch Ness Centre in Drumnadrochit, a couple of findings have come to light.
READ: Loch Ness Monster Hunters Enlist NASA in Epic Quest for Elusive Nessie
In its never-ending quest to find the Loch Ness Monster, Scotland’s Loch Ness Centre is looking skyward instead of under the surface for help in their pursuit of the Loch Ness monster— they're recruiting NASA.
Written Confession: UFO Stories From Scotland
The following written confession and video were submitted via email: Over the years I’ve seen things in the sky since I was a wee boy and this is the latest one. The first one was in the late ‘70’s when I saw a disc shaped object fly low and slowly over the street were we used to live. It was dark like the night sky but I could make out the outline of whatever it was. It past over then looked like it was going down but disappeared….
Written Confession: Ghost Touring 'The Vaults' in Edinburgh, Scotland
The following written confession was submitted via email: When I was 20 years old, I was on a trip with my family and a friend in Edinburgh, Scotland. We decided to do a Ghost Tour in this underground part of the city called “The Vaults”. Well, one part of the tour had a simple circle made of stones. The tour guide claimed that people who stepped foot in it had been pushed, kicked, etc. Thinking I was really clever, I took a picture of the circle….
Written Confession: The Scotland Goblins
The following written confession was submitted via email: …We always wear dark clothes in the woods and dark paint or camouflage even while fishing, we followed the noise up over the ridge down a small hill and over a stream like body of water the noise was getting loud but it sounded like two people speaking or disagreeing maybe two lost tourists from somewhere in Europe was my guess until we sneaked over the ridge crawling on our stomach trying not to be seen…