VIDEO: Phill from Episode 50 - Haunting Stories of Onset, Massachusetts Goes Randonauting in Haunted Hockomock Swamp
If you’ve listened The Confessionals for any length of time, you’ve probably been creeped out by a memorable clip from the intro: “When he came over to me, dude, he slithered over to me.” That disturbing sound bite comes to us courtesy of Phill from the even creepier Episode 50: Haunting Stories of Onset, Massachusetts. Now for even more eerie adventures with Phill, check out a video of his Randonautica trip to haunted Hockomock Swamp in southeastern Massachusetts!
Written Confession: TC Listener Shares Eerie Randonautica Experience at an Abandoned Paper Mill
The following email and video were shared via email: First, I just wanna say that I really appreciate the Confessionals and the amount of effort you put into it. I listen to it every day at work. I was especially intrigued by the Randonautica episodes and decided to give it a shot myself. The first place it led me to was this abandoned paper mill 10 minutes from my house. I went with my buddy and we were pretty creeped out by what we found…
BLOG: 30 Images of Uncanny Coincidences People Experienced Using the Randonautica App
It’s a dangerous business going out your front door, and there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to, but you don’t have to be Frodo to explore an unknown destination for an extraordinary adventure! Or a strange adventure. Or a creepy one. Or all of the above. Users of the curious app Randonautica are exploring the world around them, and documenting the weird journey. Are these locations truly random points on the map, or does the purposeful power of the mind manifest a synchronistic reality? Here are 30 Images of Uncanny Coincidences People Experienced Using the Randonautica App!