READ: Pentagon Investigates Whistleblower’s Claim of Recovering “Egg-Shaped” UFO
The U.S. government is once again at the center of a UFO mystery as the Pentagon launches an official investigation into the claims of former military contractor Jake Barber. The whistleblower, a former helicopter pilot, alleges that he participated in secret recovery missions involving unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), including the retrieval of a bizarre, engine-less “egg-shaped” craft.
READ: Pentagon Denies Existence of Secret UFO Program Reportedly Called “Immaculate Constellation”
The Pentagon has firmly denied a recent report claiming that a whistleblower revealed the name of a secret program investigating UFOs. The alleged program, "Immaculate Constellation," was reportedly formed in 2017 and linked to unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).
READ: Pentagon Publishes Analysis of Alleged 1947 Roswell UFO Crash Debris
In an intriguing (but probably expected) twist to the world’s ongoing UFO saga, the Pentagon's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has debunked claims that a mysterious material is of alien origin. This material, sent to Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 2022, was believed by some to be debris from the infamous 1947 Roswell crash.
READ: New Pentagon Report Claims Zero Evidence of Extraterrestrial Presence in UFO Sightings
The Pentagon's latest exploration into the realm of UFOs casts a new light on age-old questions, fueling the fire of paranormal intrigue and speculation.. The report, a comprehensive analysis spanning reports of UFO sightings since 1945, boldly claims to find no evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence or clandestine projects to reverse-engineer alien technology.