Best Paranormal Podcast Episodes


Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 118: Taking The Red Pill with Mr. X Dreams

On Episode 118, we welcome Mr. X Dreams from YouTube! He shares with us a UFO encounter he experienced as a child along with other family members. Over time, they each forgot about the experience one by one, except Mr. X Dreams. This specific encounter actually kicked off a life of experiences, some of which include an entity performing what can only be described as some kind of medical procedure, and Mr. X Dreams’ ability to control his dreams and interact with others in them. While deployed in Afghanistan he also encountered two dogmen. Listen in and enjoy an episode of strange encounters with this interesting YouTube personality!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 117: Gorilla Man, Doppelgängers and Demons, Oh My!

On Episode 117, we speak with Jim Harold from the Paranormal Podcast, and also Alika from The Confessionals’ artistic design team! First, Jim joins us to share some of the spooky experiences that continue to motivate him to delve deeper into the paranormal realm. After Jim’s experiences, we bring on Alika from Hawaii as he describes seeing a “gorilla man” in his house, doppelgängers, evil reflections, shadow kids, and much more!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 116: The Ghost of John Wayne Gacy

On Episode 116, guest James shares stories of his personal interactions with the infamous serial killer John Wayne Gacy. During the last two years of Gacy’s life, James spoke with Gacy one-on-one multiples times, as he gained insight into the mind of a serial killer. When the time came for Gacy to be put to death, James chose not to oblige a last request from him, a decision that seems to have a spawned a haunting from the dead Gacy himself. 

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 115: The Satanic Slaughterhouse

On Episode 115, we speak with a mother-daughter duo who share with us their vast array of strange experiences, ranging from encounters with the infamous “men in black”, to sightings of UFOs, to an unsettling find in a house that was previously owned by a butcher... who may have also been a satanist.

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 114: Lots To See In The Sky and Sea

On Episode 114, Rob, who is a military veteran, will be joining us to talk about the zero gravity aircraft he witnessed before joining the military. He also discusses a situation where he may have come across mermaids in the Straights of Magellan in South America in 2011. Finally Rob shares several paranormal experiences he has had, including an unexpected face that popped up in a family picture.

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Tony Merkel Tony Merkel

The Dark Guardian Follow Up Conversation

On this follow up conversation we catch up with Jeremy from episode 113 "The Dark Guardian" and find out what has happened to him since we last talked. He goes over paranormal experiences he has had, a UFO sighting and talks about a military base that is supposed to be shut down but he insists it is anything but inactive.

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 113: The Dark Guardian

We talk with Alex, one of the people who filmed a large, pyramid-shaped UFO hovering and rotating over the Pentagon in December 2018. Alex shares the events that night which led to him to filming one of the most extraordinary events of his life. Finally, for our main interview we speak with Jeremy, who has been haunted his entire life by an entity. Someone once told him that the entity was present to protect him, but the experiences Jeremy has gone through have been anything but protective.

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 112: Demons In The Desert

In Episode 112, we bring on Tony's younger brother Jack to talk about Pennsylvania’s 2018 UFO sightings, the pyramid-shaped UFO seen over the Pentagon, and the mysterious disappearance of young Casey Hathaway, who after being rescued told authorities that a bear kept him warm and safe for two days! After the extended introduction with Jack, we hear from guest Javier, who shares his experiences witnessing a ghost monk and a shadow man in New Mexico!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 111: The Abduction Cover-up

Episode 111 is a special one! It took a direction that was a little unexpected as you will hear in Tony's tone as the interview moves along. Austin shares with us his partial memories of being abducted off-planet, and shares all the details he can remember. But that is only where this episode begins.

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 110: Time Travelers, Dogman, and Demonic Attacks

Episode 110 is a jam-packed show! We first start off talking about some recent time travel conspiracy theories and revisit some well known stories with Wes Germer from Sasquatch Chronicles. Then we speak with Snuffy who witnessed a dogman sighting in rural Pennsylvania. Lastly, we speak with Karl from Australia as he describes a time in his life when he went through a spiritual awakening, and in the process became demonically attacked on several occasions. He tells us what happened and how he put an end to it!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 109: Terrifying Bigfoot Reports with Bill Sheehan

Have you ever wondered if bigfoot was a benevolent forest giant? Ever feel torn between the gentle nature that you sometimes hear about and the violent actions that others report? Look no further! On Episode 109, we speak with author Bill Sheehan, who reveals that most of the Bigfoot reports he’s received will have you heading out of the woods and packing your bags for the city! Bill shares stories from his book, “Bigfoot - Terror in the Woods” and talks all about bigfoot on today's show.

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 108: Ex-Catholic Nun Whistleblower Keri Burnor (PART 2)

On today’s two-part show (Episodes 107 and 108), we speak with Keri Burnor! She is an ex-Catholic nun who went through hell after she was sexually assaulted by a priest. After her attempts to try resolving the issue without the court system failed, she filed a lawsuit that went any way but hers. After taking on the Catholic Church, Keri became a marked woman as her phones were tapped, her name was dragged through the mud, and she even had nano tech put into her body during a surgery. The more Keri fought, the more secrets she uncovered, getting too close to the truth for her own good. Now, she lives to tell her amazing story about how she was almost taken out by the highest levels of the Catholic Church and their deep state operatives.

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 107: Ex-Catholic Nun Whistleblower Keri Burnor (PART 1)

On today’s two-part show (Episodes 107 and 108), we speak with Keri Burnor! She is an ex-Catholic nun who went through hell after she was sexually assaulted by a priest. After her attempts to try resolving the issue without the court system failed, she filed a lawsuit that went any way but hers. After taking on the Catholic Church, Keri became a marked woman as her phones were tapped, her name was dragged through the mud, and she even had nano tech put into her body during a surgery. The more Keri fought, the more secrets she uncovered, getting too close to the truth for her own good. Now, she lives to tell her amazing story about how she was almost taken out by the highest levels of the Catholic Church and their deep state operatives.

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Tony Merkel Tony Merkel

The Ask Tony Anything Show

In celebration of producing 100 episodes of The Confessionals we are doing a live show where you ask the questions and I give the answers! Nothing is off limits! 

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 106: Bigfoot Boulder Bowling

On Episode 106, guest Andy joins us to talk about his startling bigfoot experience, when these elusive cryptids started throwing rocks the size of boulders at him! The unexpected event shook Andy up so badly that he has felt pushed away from ever hunting and fishing in that same area again... bigfoot encounters aren't always a pleasant experience!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 105: Walking With The Dead

On Episode 105, Kristena joins us to share some of her incredible experiences. Throughout her life Kristena has faced many ghostly incidents, with her most impactful experience occurring on the famous haunted ghost ship, “The Queen Mary” - when a spirit actually left physical marks on her body! Along with her paranormal encounters, Kristena has endured frightening dreams, in which she experiences other people’s deaths, not only seeing their demise but feeling it through their perspective.

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 104: Breaking Demonic Bonds

Merry Christmas everyone! We teased Episode 104 on last week’s show, when we played a clip of our interview with James! We are very excited for you to hear some of James’ encounters with the demonic! These stories involve him and his wife as they progressed through their spiritual walks. As they grew stronger in their faith, they uncovered some deep demonic entities lurking in the dark, ready to pounce! James shares these stories, and reveals how he and his wife overcame their evil circumstances.

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Tony Merkel Tony Merkel

CHRISTMAS EVE SPECIAL with Sasquatch Chronicles, Astonishing Legends, Dark Waters, Strange Familiars, Hillbilly Horror Stories and History Goes Bump

Merry Christmas Eve! I was driving around in my truck for work in late November when an idea hit me. As I was thinking about the holiday season and people traveling I thought I would be fun to host a Christmas music special to help people get through their travels for the holidays. And while I was at it, why not have other podcasts co-host with me by reading short scary Christmas stories! Welcome to the first ever Christmas Eve Music Special from The Confessionals!

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

Episode 103: The Demonic Realm

We’re kicking off the week before Christmas the right way with a startling new episode! On Episode 103, our guest Justin shares accounts of demonic entities that have haunted him for his entire life. He has endured a number of experiences, including being tormented by a green demon. Justin also touches on the topic of bigfoot, having previously shared his run-in with the cryptid on Episode 248 of Sasquatch Chronicles. On our episode today, Justin touches on the encounter he and his friend had with a bigfoot; one friend, Mike, discussed the same story, but from his own vantage point, on The Confessionals’ Episode 20.

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