440: High Strangeness In New Mexico
In Episode 440: High Strangeness in New Mexico, we are joined by Raul, who shares a multitude of stories, ranging from giants, bigfoot, and UFOs, to demons and witches getting possessed on purpose as part of their process of getting rid of evil spirits.
369: A Witch's Life
In Episode 369: A Witch's Life, we are joined by Joel, who brings us a full episode of stories plus an Overtime episode! In this first hour, Joel talks about his various experiences from childhood into adulthood. He begins with an abduction scenario when one night he and his found themselves missing time and their mother frantically looking for them. In his Overtime segment, Joel shares more in-depth details about his life as a practicing witch, delving into his many stories and experiences with witchcraft, as well as how and why he reached this point in his life.