307: Billy The Kid: The Man Who Died Twice
Did Pat Garrett kill Billy the Kid?
It was a moonlit night in Ft. Sumner, NM when history tells us that Sheriff Pat Garrett shot down the notorious outlaw Billy “the Kid”. Newspapers across the country quickly reported that the Kid was dead and Garrett quickly put the body in the ground. But rumors spread that the Kid had survived and the testimony of Garrett’s posse was contradictory about how, exactly, the shooting had gone down. Nevertheless, without evidence, the story of the heroic Sheriff stood for almost 70 years. Then, in 1950, an old man from Hico, TX petitioned the governor of New Mexico for a pardon for crimes he committed as Billy the Kid. No one took him seriously, and yet the old man was an exact match in physical characteristics and knew intimate details about the Kid’s life. He also knew details about the fateful shooting the night Garrett claimed to have shot him that had been erased by history. Details, for example, that Garrett had killed his very drunk bearded half-Mexican partner, a claim that has only recently been verified by modern research.
216: COVID-19 | Ready or Not with Wes Germer
On Episode 216: COVID-19 - Ready or Not, Tony speaks with Wes Germer and callers about all things COVID-19! In the first half of the show, we speak about some things Tony has discovered that made his gears start turning… to him, it seems that certain groups of people knew COVID-19 was coming long before the first case surfaced. In the second half of the show, we talk with callers who open up and share their own thoughts about the coronavirus pandemic!
128: Houston Recap with Wes and Tony
Wes and Tony sit down to discuss their first live show together in Houston, TX. Don't miss this because they tell all!
Episode 72: The Think Tank with Wes Germer, Timothy Renner, and Dark Waters
On Episode 72: The Think Tank, we are joined on The Confessionals by Wes Germer from Sasquatch Chronicles, Timothy Renner from Strange Familiars, and Dark Waters from iamdarkwaters.com. During our conversation we discuss oddities including the topics of bigfoot, dogman, demons, UFOs, aliens, nephilim and more. This think tank is an epic one - enjoy the show!
Episode 52: Wes Germer - The Bigfoot Encounter That Changed Everything
Tonight on our 1-year anniversary show we bring on Wes Germer from Sasquatch Chronicles to share with The Confessionals audience his dramatic bigfoot encounter! It is only appropriate to have Wes on the show for this very special day because he is the person that encouraged Tony to create The Confessionals podcast!
After Hours with Wes Germer, Woody Pratt and Tony Merkel
I had a chance to sit down with Wes and Woody from Sasquatch Chronicles to host a special "After Hours" show with them following the release of episode 31, "I Killed Bigfoot." We discussed their thoughts on the interview with Brian and how they think his storylines up with reality!