379: Legion of Legends with Tony and Jack
In Episode 379: Legion of Legends, Tony and his brother Jack sit down to talk about their journeys thus far with their new YouTube show Legion of Legends. They discuss the places they've already visited, like a haunted WW2 POW camp, to places they will be going in the future, including Austin Dam and the Blue Hole in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. After the first hour of their Legion of Legends conversation, they shift gears and take questions for Jack directly from The Confessionals Instagram audience!
Crossover Episode: Wes Germer and Tony Merkel Remembering Art Bell
On this special crossover episode with Wes Germer (host of Sasquatch Chronicles) and Tony, they discuss, remember and celebrate the life of a man that inspired generations. Join Tony and Wes as they tip their hats to Art Bell, the sole reason they are able to host the podcasts they host.
Episode 41: The Warlock And White Faced Entity
On Episode 41: The Warlock and the White Face Entity, first host Tony shares an unsettling encounter he had with someone he suspects was a warlock, and then guest Paul joins The Confessionals to discuss his experiences in the haunted house in which he grew up, including a cloaked figure with a very creepy face, paranormal activity, and seeing long bony fingers reaching up under a door!