126: Say It With A Smile
Episode 126 is a two-part show with guests Ricky and Mark. First, Ricky shares with us some of his extreme paranormal experiences. During his interview, there is a surprising disturbance on the recording that may be an EVP! Following Ricky, Mark joins The Confessionals to tell us about a time that he saw a bigfoot in Pennsylvania, and also shares a dogman story and shadow people experiences!
Episode 112: Demons In The Desert
In Episode 112, we bring on Tony's younger brother Jack to talk about Pennsylvania’s 2018 UFO sightings, the pyramid-shaped UFO seen over the Pentagon, and the mysterious disappearance of young Casey Hathaway, who after being rescued told authorities that a bear kept him warm and safe for two days! After the extended introduction with Jack, we hear from guest Javier, who shares his experiences witnessing a ghost monk and a shadow man in New Mexico!
Episode 100: Bigfoot Found Them
Episode 100 is finally here and we have a great one planned for you! On Episode 100, we speak with Jami and Jenny, who experienced bigfoot encounters in a very specific part of Pennsylvania. Ever since their encounters occurred, they've attempted to understand what transpired and what they experienced. From bigfoot sightings to bigfoot howls, we cover a lot topics on today's show - we even play some haunted forest EVPs that Jami and Jenny recorded in the Allegheny National Forest!
Episode 86: The Haunted Farmhouse of Gettysburg
On Episode 86: The Haunted Farmhouse of Gettysburg, Dodd joins us to share spooky stories of the farm where he grew up, located in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - one of America’s most haunted cities. After living in the home for some time, Dodd found out that his family farmhouse functioned as a makeshift hospital during the Battle of Gettysburg, a compelling discovery that may be the reason behind his eerie experiences!
Episode 63: The Bigfoot and Dogman of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania is more mysterious than many realize. Out of staters think of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and then conclude that Pennsylvania is this industrialized state that doesn’t have much wilderness to explore. However, the reality is that between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh there are 300+ miles of deep and dense wild forests. On Episode 63: The Bigfoot and Dogman of Pennsylvania, Kirk comes on to share his first cryptid encounter with a bigfoot on a hunting trip with his in-laws. Later, he explains an unusual encounter that he can only conclude was a dogman! Yes, dogman sightings are on the rise in Pennsylvania, just as bigfoot sightings are. Kirk had both types of sightings, and comes forward to share what he has seen. s an unusual encounter that he can only conclude was a dogman! Yes, dogman sightings are on the rise in Pennsylvania just as bigfoot sighting are. Kirk had both types of sightings and comes forward to share what he has seen.
Episode 45: Bigfoot In Broad Daylight
On Episode 45, Dave Groves joins The Confessionals to share a detailed, up-close Bigfoot encounter he experienced while riding ATV trails in the Allegheny National Forest in Northwestern Pennsylvania. He also discusses haunting audio recordings and an image of a white Bigfoot he may have captured on tape while camping in the same area.
Episode 1: Farmer Sees Two Sasquatch
In August of 2016, Tom, an owner of two Pennsylvania farms, had an unsettling encounter with a sasquatch while preparing for hunting season. A few months later, while in his tree stand, he sees a second sasquatch and is now faced with a new reality of life that he is trying to comprehend.