Best Paranormal Podcast Episodes


Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

444: Kentucky UFO Crash Coverup

In Episode 444: Kentucky UFO Crash Coverup, we are joined by Jon. Before we discuss his personal experiences, we talk about a UFO coverup case coming out of his hometown in Kentucky. Jon first heard about the incident on Coast to Coast, but learned much more when he returned home and spoke about it with his mother and father. Jon also shares his own paranormal encounters in Gettysburg, which escalated from horseplay to serious in nature, his near-death experience that occurred while driving, and his experiences working in a haunted warehouse.

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

410: Investigating Waverly Hills

In Episode 410: Investigating Waverly Hills, we are joined by Trey. Trey got into paranormal investigating to prove that it was all a joke and not real. That concept changed during his first investigation, when he filmed a ghostly entity through a window as it moved back and forth. Since that first night, he has done many investigations, including multiple visits to the famously haunted Waverly Hills Sanatorium. But just as his entrance into paranormal investigationas was not for typical reasons, his exit was anything but typical as well, as Trey had a bigfoot encounter that pushed him out of paranormal investigating and into chasing down the legendary beast.

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Episodes Tony Merkel Episodes Tony Merkel

335: Dog vs Dogman

In Episode 335: Dog vs Dogman, we are joined by Kyle who shares the most dramatic dogman experience ever sent to The Confessionals! Kyle was born and raised in Kentucky, and became a coon hunter at a very young age. When he was 15 years old, he and his grandfather set out for a night of hunting raccoons with their dogs Bow and Jake. Little did Kyle know that on this night, his life was going to change forever. The dogs treed a coon when a pack of coyotes moved in to challenge the hunting dogs. There was a strong battle of dominance, and when Kyle finally arrived at the scene he saw Jake standing strong with coyotes on the run. He then heard what he thought was his dog Bow on the other side of a large tree, chomping on a coyote. But, when he circled around to find Bow, he came face to face with a monstrous beast that towered over him. This is where Kyle's life changed forever, as a bloodthirsty dogman took chase after him, and a battle of dog versus dogman took place! Kyle's story of survival truly defied the odds with those two kinds of dogs in the woods that night - one was man's best friend, the other was man's worst nightmare.

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