484: Tartaria, Hollow Earth, and Giants | Jeff Foran
In Episode 484: Tartaria, Hollow Earth, and Giants, we have Jeff Foran from Strangeology podcast joining us! I stumbled across his podcast while looking into a certain topic, and after I heard the information he shares and the in-depth research he conducts, I had to bring him on to The Confessionals. Jeff is the Dan Carlin of strange podcasts, as he will spend hours researching a topic, and then power up his studio and record himself teaching everything there you need to know about that topic. On Episode 484, he shares what we need to know about Tartaria, the mud flood, and how the hollow earth and giants might tie in to them.
132: Think Tank: Hollow Earth and What Lives Within
In Episode 132: Hollow Earth and What Lives Within, we “dive in” to hollow Earth with another edition of the Think Tank! Is a hollow Earth really possible? If so, why is it there? Who lives inside of it? What is it being used for? These thought-provoking questions and many more will be covered as Justen Faull, Wes Faull, Chad Riley, and Jim Wilhelmsen join The Confessionals to discuss the mysterious hollow Earth.
Episode 21: Jim Wilhelmsen Talks Alien Abductions, Hollow Earth, Nazis and More
In Episode 21: Jim Wilhelmsen Talks Alien Abductions, Hollow Earth, Nazis and More, author of 'Beyond Science Fiction' Jim Wilhelmsen discusses his personal alien abduction experiences, the Bible’s connection to the Hollow Earth Theory, and even more captivating content from his book.