484: Tartaria, Hollow Earth, and Giants | Jeff Foran
In Episode 484: Tartaria, Hollow Earth, and Giants, we have Jeff Foran from Strangeology podcast joining us! I stumbled across his podcast while looking into a certain topic, and after I heard the information he shares and the in-depth research he conducts, I had to bring him on to The Confessionals. Jeff is the Dan Carlin of strange podcasts, as he will spend hours researching a topic, and then power up his studio and record himself teaching everything there you need to know about that topic. On Episode 484, he shares what we need to know about Tartaria, the mud flood, and how the hollow earth and giants might tie in to them.
440: High Strangeness In New Mexico
In Episode 440: High Strangeness in New Mexico, we are joined by Raul, who shares a multitude of stories, ranging from giants, bigfoot, and UFOs, to demons and witches getting possessed on purpose as part of their process of getting rid of evil spirits.
337: Swamp Monsters & Giants | Dark Waters
In Episode 337: Swamp Monsters & Giants, we are joined by my friend Dark Waters! DW has been a guest on The Confessionals a few times previously as part of our Think Tank discussion groups, and he joins us now to share some of the personal experiences from his childhood that sparked his interest in the paranormal world. In the first segment of Episode 337, we discuss the swamps of Louisiana, and how recent storms there have rendered areas accessible that were previously out of reach – and probably for good reason! From bizarre monsters happened upon by fishermen to giants as tall as trees, these swamps hold many secrets that are only now becoming known. In an Overtime segment, we continue our discussion as DW recalls one of the most dramatic demonic experiences he has ever gone through.
Episode 42: The Genesis 6 Conspiracy with Gary Wayne
On Episode 42: The Genesis 6 Conspiracy with Gary Wayne, author Gary Wayne joins The Confessionals to talk about Nephilim giants, how they came into existence, and what has happened to them since their existence in the antediluvian world!
Episode 18: L.A. Marzulli: UFOs & Nephilim Giants
On Episode 18: UFOs & Nephilim GIants, we are honored to have author and speaker L.A. Marzulli joining The Confessionals to share his personal encounters with UFOs, his research on the Nephilim giants, and other hidden secrets from our past!