226: Reptilians and Alien Offspring
In Episode 226: Reptilians and Alien Offspring, we speak with Dave Emmons, who shares a piece of his lifelong abduction scenario. Dave started experiencing unusual things as a child, which have continued through his life, all the way up to the point of our interview. He details his abductions, talks about meeting a girl he believes was his alien child, and, as we recorded this episode, he had just witnessed a reptilian in his home!
Episode 5: It Was The Size Of A Football Stadium
While in his truck with his girlfriend, Art sees a UFO fly overhead. He describes it as the size of a football field but completely silent. He also shares a time were he possibly might have encountered a Sasquatch.
Episode 2: Up Close With A UFO
Roger is out one night exploring with a friend when he sees what he thinks is a helicopter. He soon comes to realize that this flying craft is no helicopter, and what he knew as reality is about to change in an instant.