185: Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies
In Episode 185, we have a conversation with Zach Vorhies, who is known as the “Google Whistleblower.” Just a few months ago, Zach started to tell the world about the censorship Google has been conducting through its search engine results. He claims that Google has blacklists in their files that detail what keywords are to be promoted and what keywords are to be suppressed. He has also stated that Google has even gone as far as to delete words out of the dictionary to make political adversaries look less intelligent. And the worst thing about these revelations is that Google hasn’t stopped its censorship since Zach went public - in fact it seems like Google is just getting started.
Episode 107: Ex-Catholic Nun Whistleblower Keri Burnor (PART 1)
On today’s two-part show (Episodes 107 and 108), we speak with Keri Burnor! She is an ex-Catholic nun who went through hell after she was sexually assaulted by a priest. After her attempts to try resolving the issue without the court system failed, she filed a lawsuit that went any way but hers. After taking on the Catholic Church, Keri became a marked woman as her phones were tapped, her name was dragged through the mud, and she even had nano tech put into her body during a surgery. The more Keri fought, the more secrets she uncovered, getting too close to the truth for her own good. Now, she lives to tell her amazing story about how she was almost taken out by the highest levels of the Catholic Church and their deep state operatives.
Episode 88: CIA 9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer
In Episode 88, we bring to you a very special show that focuses on the devastating terror attacks of September 11, 2001. Today’s episode features an interview with CIA asset Susan Lindauer, who describes how she worked for the CIA leading up to that fateful day, and what role the U.S. government played in the terrible events that transpired. She also shares with us how her disclosure of the truth resulted in her being jailed, without a trial, for 5 long years.