218: COVID-19 | Ground Zero
In Episode 218: COVID-19 | Ground Zero, we speak with two people who watched the COVID-19 virus explode right in front of their eyes! First on the show is Brett, joining us from Hong Kong. As a U.S. citizen living in China, Brett brings a clear and unique perspective about what he experienced during the Hong Kong protests and the COVID-19 outbreak. He does not hold back in sharing what it was like living through these situations and what it’s like living inside a communist country. Later in the show, we are joined by Joe who is also an American citizen living in South Korea. Joe begins by giving his American brothers and sisters a dire warning about COVID-19 and what it will do to us if we do not take every precaution possible. In addition, Joe tells us about the strategies South Korea has implemented in order to contain this virus better than almost any other country in the world!