Written Confession: Chased By a UFO on a Rural Road
The following written confession was submitted via email: Just want to tell a story about me and my buddy getting chased by a UFO coming home from the store one night.. we were taking a shortcut that connected 2 main roads together that went through some fields.. when we first turned on the road when seen the object wayyyy off in the distance but we didn't think to much of it…
Written Confession: “Talking” Creatures in Madera County, California
The following written confession was submitted via email: I live in Madera county California it borders Yosemite I am a hunter and twelve years ago I took a week off of work and couldn't find anyone to go up with me so I went by my self I hunted up sky ranch road and the first couple of nights something didn't feel right I don't scare easily but every night it felt worse and worse like something was getting closer and closer….
Written Confession: The Pied Piper of Long Island - A Strange Encounter at the Park
The following written confession was submitted via email: I don’t know why I’m writing to you. Maybe it’s just the uneasy feeling that I’ve been left with. So here it is . . . My wife and I decided it was a perfect day to take our 3 year old to the park. The park was filled with kids and parents. We were there for just over an hour when a little girl with the palest skin and blonde hair just appeared from nowhere with no parents, holding the creepiest doll . . .
Written Confession: Chilling Cattle Mutilation Scene in Nebraska (GRAPHIC IMAGE WARNING)
The following written confession and images were submitted via email: I just wanted to share with you some pictures of a crazy experience that my dad and I had on our property in the middle of nowhere small town, Nebraska. We were out…looking at some improvement that they made in the ground, and I came across this mutilated bull. There was snow on the ground, and you could see that there were no tracks leading up to it. It looked like it had dropped dead right there or had been dropped there. We were 15 miles from any town and at least 5 miles from a paved road…
Written Confession: The Midnight Orb Encounter
The following written confession was submitted via email: I’m just curious if others have experienced the same thing. Basically, I woke up to my husband coming to bed approximately two hours after I did. I was drowsy at first, but I pointed to a translucent orb floating at the foot of the bed…
Written Confession: Charged By a Tall Furry Creature in Kentucky
The following written confession was submitted via email: …When I was about 18-19 years old me and my all time best friend were huge outdoorsman. We loved to deer hunt and turkey hunt…We would go hunting every chance we got over there. We had no fear of the outdoors. Worst thing we thought might be out there were ticks and snakes... But that all changed one day…
Written Confession: The Beast of Oakley Manor
The following written confession was submitted via email: …Shortly after passing Oakley North houses and getting to where the woods were on both sides, I began hearing something large in the woods, walking as I would walk, and if I'd stop it would stop…
Written Confession: The Phantom 18-Wheeler
The following written confession was submitted via email: …While doing an hourly check at the outside trimmers I saw an 18 wheeler come down the drive way to the plant. Nothing abnormal. It didn’t slow down which was sorta strange but I didn’t think anything of it. The guard opened the chain fence gate and the truck kept going instead of stopping to check in…
Written Confession: A Late Sister's Pre-Death Omen and Post-Death Message
The following written confession was submitted via email: In 1995/1996, my sister (whom I will keep anonymous) was diagnosed and eventually passed away from stomach/esophageal cancer. She was 39, with 4 young kids. In the last couple weeks before her death, she would talk frankly with all of us (there were 6 sisters in all), about her immanent death. Her fears, our fears, her heartache, etc. On one of these occasions, she states “I’m ready to die, I’m just scared I’m going to see that black thing again …”
Written Confession: The Legs in the Woods Near the Beaghmore Stone Circles
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: In 2017, I was in Northern Ireland for a college field trip. My religious studies class was visiting stone circles throughout N. Ireland and Ireland to focus on religious geography. On this particular day, I think we were visiting the Beaghmore Stone circles. It was a normal cloudy day and we were enjoying learning the history of the bronze age wonder… I decided to climb over the small farm wire fence and see if there was anything interesting in the woods…
Written Confession: Strange Happenings in the Trailer Park
The following written confession was submitted via email: …One evening we were hanging out at our grandmas waiting for my mom to get home from work. We were playing a board game on the dining table and I looked outside towards our trailer and I saw our lights on in the trailer and I was like, "oh mom is home." I clearly could see the lights on because it was towards the evening. So my siblings and I told grandma that we were going home, so we started walking and we got to the dirt driveway of our home and I noticed the lights were off and nothing in the driveway, no car…
Written Confession: The Fish-Faced Ghost Girl
The following written confession was shared via Buzzfeed: I was a kid sleeping in my brother's room while mine was getting painted. His closet doors were mirrors, and when I woke up in the night I saw the silhouette of a girl staring at her reflection while on the edge of my bed. Her hair was pulled back, she wore a cream shirt and a long pink skirt, and looked like she was made of TV static….
Written Confession: The Ghostly Christmas Choir
The following written confession was shared online: On Christmas Eve night, 1978 at about 3:00 a.m. in Klamath Falls, Oregon, I was suddenly awakened by a choir singing. The house was new construction, miles from the nearest church. I strained to hear any words that I could understand or a tune that I could identify, but I could not understand the language or tune….
Written Confession: Middle of the Night Visit From Mommy Deadest
The following written confession was originally shared online: In 2003, my mom woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. She walked into the hallway and looked toward the living room. There on the couch was her mother, who had died in 1985, staring straight ahead….
Written Confession: Ghost Touring 'The Vaults' in Edinburgh, Scotland
The following written confession was submitted via email: When I was 20 years old, I was on a trip with my family and a friend in Edinburgh, Scotland. We decided to do a Ghost Tour in this underground part of the city called “The Vaults”. Well, one part of the tour had a simple circle made of stones. The tour guide claimed that people who stepped foot in it had been pushed, kicked, etc. Thinking I was really clever, I took a picture of the circle….