Paranormal News, Unexplainable Events & Other Oddities

Creature Feature Friday: The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall

It’s time for another Creature Feature Friday, and today we’re taking a quick look at The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall! The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England is one of the most famous ghosts in Great Britain, and the subject of one of the world’s most famous ghost photographs - despite criticism that the image could very well be a hoax. Check out these 5 fast facts about The Brown Lady’s legend.

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Written Confession: Eerie Mirror Image Men Who Appeared Out of Nowhere

When my best friend and I were in high school , we used to walk around the cul de sac at the end of our street just talking. One time , we were out there around 9 pm. We lived in a small quiet neighborhood. The cul de sac was at the end of the road surrounded by woods. There were only 3 houses there and we knew all of the people that lived there well. None had kids. We had walked around the circle About ten times when we both noticed two older boys in the road walking away from us down the street . . .

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BLOG: Behind-the-Scenes Look at Tony's Cryptovania TV Interview!

Stay tuned, Roku users! An interview with Tony is coming to you from Cryptovania TV! Recently Tony had the opportunity to get together with the Cryptovania team on the western side of Pennsylvania, and filmed an hour-long segment for their upcoming Season 2, Episode 1 premiere. Check out these photos and videos for some behind-the-scenes looks.

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Podcasting, The Confessionals Podcast, Video Lindsay Merkel Podcasting, The Confessionals Podcast, Video Lindsay Merkel

LISTEN: Tony Calls 97.5 FM The Fanatic Philadelphia & Talks The Confessionals!

Last week Tony called into the Philadelphia sports station 97.5 FM The Fanatic Philadelphia to share some thoughts about the 76ers basketball team, but of course he also got the hosts talking about The Confessionals Podcast! If you didn’t catch the segment on Gargano & Myrtetus Middays live, check it out here!

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BLOG: 13 Strange and Surprising Objects That People Claim Are Haunted

When you hear the word haunted, you probably immediately think of a creepy haunted house. But it will probably shock no one to learn that places are not the only things that can be haunted. Ghost investigation shows, personal encounters, and internet photo galleries have revealed the prevalence of many haunted objects that bring unwanted dread and paranormal activity to anyone who possesses them. What kinds of objects are we talking about here? From decorations to furniture to undergarments, check out these 13 strange and surprising objects that people claim are haunted!

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BLOG: Pennhurst Asylum ParaCon 2019 Photo Album!

On July 20th & 21st, The Confessionals Podcast attended Pennhurst Asylum ParaCon 2019 in Spring, City, Pennsylvania! During what became the hottest weekend of the year in PA (so far), paranormal enthusiasts, vendors, and special guests gathered at the legendary haunted hospital complex of Pennhurst Asylum for historical tours, investigations, lectures, and much more! Check out over 60 photos of our weekend at Pennhurst ParaCon 2019.

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BLOG: 5 Enduring Conspiracies About the Moon

With the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing on the horizon, we’re taking a brief look at several lunar conspiracies that have taken a place in history, and never quite left. Do they have any truth to them? Are they completely crazy? Can we ever know for sure? Put on your thinking cap - or your tin foil hat - and apply your critical thinking skills as you check out these 5 enduring conspiracies about the Moon.

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Written Confession: An Eerie, Unexpected Scene on the Side of the Road

The following written confession was originally shared online: On one of these day trips I was driving through a heavily wooded area that opened up to a field lined with trees on my left. I was pretty zoned out at this point, but something on the side of the road immediately caught my attention. In fact, it even seemed that time slowed so that I could see this apparition with more vivid detail than any random artifact I would ever glance at lying off the roadside…

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Paranormal, The Confessionals Podcast, Video Lindsay Merkel Paranormal, The Confessionals Podcast, Video Lindsay Merkel

VIDEO: 5 Scary Shadow People Videos That Will Keep You Up At Night

Don’t let the ubiquitous red circle on the video cover image fool you - the shadow people captured in this footage are more than vague shadowy blobs. Whatever they’re true nature, paranormal, hoaxed, or “other”, they are just as described: scary. Check out the video, 5 Scary Shadow People Videos That Will Keep You Up at Night, and decide for yourself just what you’re witnessing! Preferably in the daytime… with all the house lights on… surrounded by happy thoughts. Enjoy!

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BLOG: Here's a List of Every Episode Featured in The Confessionals Intro!

We get quite a stack of emails in The Confessionals’ inbox, and one of the questions we’re asked most frequently is, “What episodes are featured in your show’s intro?!” From the episode with the giant in the cave, to the guy who slithered over the floor, to the long bony fingers curling under the door, listeners are intrigued by the episode excerpts featured in the show’s opening montage! So after many inquiries, it finally occurred to us to bring those intriguing episodes to you all in one place!

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Written Confession: A Vivid Dream of Something Evil Under the North Pole

The dream happened back when I was in my early 20's. I can't remember exactly how old I was or the time of year. I do remember I was home from College for the weekend, and I was taking a nap on the couch on a Sunday morning while my mother was at church. In the dream, I could see everything going on, but I wasn't participating. I was actively watching, but was not part of the group I saw. In the dream, I saw a group of scientists, bundled up in cold weather clothing walking across a snowy landscape. In the dream, I knew they were at the North Pole. Not sure how I knew, I just did. The scientist were in a small group, approximately 3-5 people and they were using different devices for measuring data and testing the ice. I remember they were drilling very deep into the ice to take core samples, and for some reason the depth of 1.5 miles was in my mind.

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Written Confession: The Broken-Necked Deerman

The following written confession was originally shared online: We had a house fire and had to move in with my grandmother for a time while the insurance was sorted and our new house was built. Luckily, the land my grandmother owns had an old farm house near her own home that she mostly used for storage. It had water and electricity, so we were good to go…

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Mystery, The Confessionals Podcast, UFOs, History Lindsay Merkel Mystery, The Confessionals Podcast, UFOs, History Lindsay Merkel

BLOG: 10 Historic UFO Photos Taken Around the World

Start looking skyward - July 2 is World UFO Day! Held on July 2 every year in commemoration of the infamous 1947 Roswell UFO Incident, World UFO Day turns a spotlight on the endless and ever-growing phenomenon of UFO sightings all over the world. Are these UFOs secret government aircrafts? Extraterrestrial visitations? A little of both? While the true identity of UFOs is still hotly under debate, it cannot be denied that for over a century - and quite possibly in many centuries past - people have been witnessing unidentified flying objects in the skies.

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Cryptids, Creature Feature Friday Lindsay Merkel Cryptids, Creature Feature Friday Lindsay Merkel

Creature Feature Friday: Man-Eating Trees

It’s time again for Creature Feature Friday, and we’re “branching” out to a really odd monstrosity… Man-Eating Trees! There are different types of man-eating trees, some well known by their own individual names, and others are hiding among their non-carnivorous counterparts until suddenly making their presence known by grabbing an unsuspecting snack. Below are 5 quick things to know about these deadly plants:

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