BLOG: 5 Historical Figures Who Saw Their Doppelgänger... And Then Died
These days the term “doppelgänger” is used to describe two different people who look unusually alike. The internet practically abounds with photos of identical-looking celebrities, people who’ve discovered their so-called doppelgänger in old artworks, and complete strangers who look like they could be long-lost twins. It’s actually eerie how closely most of these people resemble each other. But the original meaning of “doppelgänger” is even eerier.
Written Confession: The Scotland Goblins
The following written confession was submitted via email: …We always wear dark clothes in the woods and dark paint or camouflage even while fishing, we followed the noise up over the ridge down a small hill and over a stream like body of water the noise was getting loud but it sounded like two people speaking or disagreeing maybe two lost tourists from somewhere in Europe was my guess until we sneaked over the ridge crawling on our stomach trying not to be seen…
Written Confession: UFO in Miniature
The following written confession was submitted via email: I just wanted to share a short experience with you. It occurred around 2017 probably March or so. My husband and I were driving through Frederick Maryland. We had just gotten off RT340 onto I-70 heading east bound. It was daytime, traffic was the usual, busy. This area has four lanes each direction. On the left is a Costco. As we were approaching this area, we saw a saucer type object, clearly above the road, just above the traffic. I asked my husband, What the hell is that...his casual response was, it looks like a UFO…
Written Confession: Strange Rock Looks an Awful Lot Like a Tiny Skull
A listener of The Confessionals recently reached out via social media and then email for opinions about a strange rock he found in Texas. He first submitted photos of the rock/skull to the Paleontology Department at the University of Colorado, which responded that it “vaguely resembled a skull.” We think that the weathered-looking artifact, though it is no bigger than a man’s thumb, looks a bit more than “vaguely” like a skull. The object appears to have eye sockets, a nasal cavity, and possible mouth with teeth. The closest comparison we can draw at present is to a fetal chimpanzee skull, though there are many other possibilities as to what it could really be. Here are the details of its discovery:
BLOG: A Time-Traveling Hero or the Internet’s First Hoax: Who is John Titor?
In 1957, the world asked, “Who is John Galt?” That year, Objectivism author Ayn Rand published her most famous novel, Atlas Shrugged, and the refrain throughout the story, “Who is John Galt?” wondered at the mysterious identity of a man who may or may not exist. “John Galt” seemingly appears and disappears from out of thin air, a faceless legend who cannot be traced but who has the ability to affect the future of a nation. The repeated phrase, “Who is John Galt?” became the universal way of asking a question no one could really answer.
Written Confession: The Mysterious Man in the Desert of Qatar
The following written confession was submitted via email: In Qatar I was finishing up my deployment. It had only been 6 months and 1 month to go, but it had been a long six months. I had some down time so I went to the showers. No sooner than turning the faucet knob, I heard my Staff Sergeant asking another Airmen if I had been in the shower. So I quickly soaped my body and just as I was finishing rinsing Sergeant slid the curtain and began briefing me for a post that I was personally requested to man. It was very odd, I know I'm a free body right now, but I'm not that well known and this was a very high security area. So I gathered my gear and headed to the armory for my weapon and transport to arrive….