Paranormal News, Unexplainable Events & Other Oddities
Ghosts, Creepy, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel Ghosts, Creepy, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Creepy Ghost Picture From the Cary House in California

The following written confession and images were submitted to the show via social media: We took this at the Historic and very haunted Cary House here in Placerville California (portals to hell did an episode on this on travel channel) this was taken with a IR camera after the lady in the photo complained of feeling someone sitting on her back.

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Ghosts, Paranormal, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel Ghosts, Paranormal, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: She's Trying to Get Your Attention

The following written confession was shared via Reddit: Alright this is a quick story. My MIL is a very spiritual person. My husband has told me stories of paranormal stuff that happened in his childhood home his whole life. I didn’t really think anything of it until this particular stay. One night we are sleeping in his old bedroom. I have never really slept great there just because there’s always an uneasy feeling….

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Ghosts, Paranormal, Mystery Lindsay Merkel Ghosts, Paranormal, Mystery Lindsay Merkel

BLOG: 10 Photos of Unexpected Ghosts and Entities Taken at Family Gatherings

Depending on your family, the holidays are a wonderful time to celebrate with family and friends, or a real horror show. With Thanksgiving coming up and the December holidays not far behind, we’re taking a look at some photos from family events that really became something of a horror, after the pictures were found to contain some pretty scary uninvited guests. From an alleged demon’s animal face, to a disembodied hand, to a famous photograph that may not be what it seems, here are 10 Photos of Unexpected Ghosts and Entities Taken at Family Gatherings!

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Ghosts, Written Confessions, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel Ghosts, Written Confessions, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: A Fleeting Encounter At a Haunted High School

The following written confession was submitted via email: Working at a haunted high school… This place has checked all the boxes for a haunted place. So this is one time I was actually scared out of the building. #1 I just got done sweeping a hallway and was crouched down sweeping stuff into a dustpan I saw movement out of the corner of my eye…

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Ghosts, Video Lindsay Merkel Ghosts, Video Lindsay Merkel

VIDEO: Weird Footage Catches 'Ghost Pants' Running Down the Street

It’s 10:00pm - do you know where your pants are? According to a weird video clip circulating the internet, it’s possible they’re running down the street. Some alleged “ghost pants” were caught on film sprinting through the night, and the mysteryhood of the traveling pants has drawn much speculation, including a spirit, a hoax, and even the famous Fresno Nightcrawler.

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BLOG: The Confessionals Podcast Paranormal Occurrences Tour to Burn Brae Mansion (and Other Mysterious Locations!)

In June, The Confessionals took its very first overnight trip into the paranormal! Partnered with the tour and travel company Educated Wanderer, we set off on our ‘Paranormal Occurrences’ tour to explore haunted locations and mysterious places in Pennsylvania and New York. Take a look through our photo album featuring all our unique stops along the way, including Columcille Megalith Park, the haunted Richmond Hotel and the Point Phillips Hotel, supernatural Hexenkopf Rock, and spooky Burn Brae Mansion!

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Ghosts, Paranormal, Creature Feature Friday Lindsay Merkel Ghosts, Paranormal, Creature Feature Friday Lindsay Merkel

Creature Feature Friday: The Apparition of the 'Woman in White'

Today we will be exploring the beautiful and haunted Burn Brae Mansion in New York! Burn Brae Mansion holds tales of different ghosts and paranormal activity within its many rooms, including one of the more famous figures of ghost lore - the “Woman in White.” The apparition of a pale lady in a white gown has become a common sighting over centuries of ghost stories, but remains no less chilling across history and culture. What do you know about the Woman in White?

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Ghosts, Paranormal, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel Ghosts, Paranormal, Written Confessions Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Fish-Faced Ghost Girl

The following written confession was shared via Buzzfeed: I was a kid sleeping in my brother's room while mine was getting painted. His closet doors were mirrors, and when I woke up in the night I saw the silhouette of a girl staring at her reflection while on the edge of my bed. Her hair was pulled back, she wore a cream shirt and a long pink skirt, and looked like she was made of TV static….

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Written Confessions, Paranormal, Ghosts Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Paranormal, Ghosts Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Mom Watches Tall Pale Person Enter Daughter's Bedroom

The following written confession was shared via Reddit by _LivGrace_: I dont remember when this was, maybe a year or 2 ago, i went to my kitchen to get some water i was wearing a black hoodie and black joggers when i heard my mom go ,"Liv? Did you see that?" "Uhm, no?" I was confused and didnt know what she was talking about….

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Written Confessions, Ghosts, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Ghosts, Paranormal Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: Little Girl's 'Imaginary Friend' May Be a Spirit She's Related To

The following written confession was shared via Reddit: So my daughter just turned 4 years old. About a year ago, she started talking about her friend "Eda" all of the time. I thought she was just playing and using her imagination. She never actually would play with the friend in front of anyone though. She would just tell me about her friend who she apparently met at her Nana's (great-grandmother on her father's side) house. I never really thought too much of it at first….

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Written Confessions, Ghosts Lindsay Merkel Written Confessions, Ghosts Lindsay Merkel

Written Confession: The Hanging Chandelier Woman

The following written confession was shared by Snoo-390 via Reddit: I've always seen paranormal beings since I was a child. However, ever since I'd moved in to the new house there were countless encounters - some being random incidents, others recurring. Let me give you guys a brief layout of my house: (First of all, it literally LOOKS haunted. I've had so many different friends come and visit and their first comment is always "your house looks haunted".) It's an old traditional wooden styled house where there is a huge spiraled staircase in the center of the home….

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Creature Feature Friday, Ghosts Lindsay Merkel Creature Feature Friday, Ghosts Lindsay Merkel

Creature Feature Friday: The Tulip Staircase Ghost

Perhaps one of the most inexplicable ghost photographs that has not yet been debunked, the Tulip Stair Ghost is the focus of our Creature Feature Friday! While vacationing in 1966, the Reverend Ralph Hardy took the now-famous photo of the Tulip Staircase Ghost in the Queen's House in Greenwich, England. Hardy developed his pictures back at home and realized that, in taking a photo of the Tulip Staircase, he had captured a ghostly apparition as well!

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