Written Confession: The Fish-Faced Ghost Girl
The following written confession was shared via Buzzfeed: I was a kid sleeping in my brother's room while mine was getting painted. His closet doors were mirrors, and when I woke up in the night I saw the silhouette of a girl staring at her reflection while on the edge of my bed. Her hair was pulled back, she wore a cream shirt and a long pink skirt, and looked like she was made of TV static….
Written Confession: Mom Watches Tall Pale Person Enter Daughter's Bedroom
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by _LivGrace_: I dont remember when this was, maybe a year or 2 ago, i went to my kitchen to get some water i was wearing a black hoodie and black joggers when i heard my mom go ,"Liv? Did you see that?" "Uhm, no?" I was confused and didnt know what she was talking about….
Written Confession: Little Girl's 'Imaginary Friend' May Be a Spirit She's Related To
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: So my daughter just turned 4 years old. About a year ago, she started talking about her friend "Eda" all of the time. I thought she was just playing and using her imagination. She never actually would play with the friend in front of anyone though. She would just tell me about her friend who she apparently met at her Nana's (great-grandmother on her father's side) house. I never really thought too much of it at first….
Written Confession: The Hanging Chandelier Woman
The following written confession was shared by Snoo-390 via Reddit: I've always seen paranormal beings since I was a child. However, ever since I'd moved in to the new house there were countless encounters - some being random incidents, others recurring. Let me give you guys a brief layout of my house: (First of all, it literally LOOKS haunted. I've had so many different friends come and visit and their first comment is always "your house looks haunted".) It's an old traditional wooden styled house where there is a huge spiraled staircase in the center of the home….
Written Confession: Photo of a Ghost Boy in an Old Funeral Home
The following written confession + photo were shared via social media message: Backstory is that was a funeral home 120 years old. Bought by an lawyer to turn it into a law office. When we got there it had been boarded up since the 70s…
Written Confession: A Premonitory Apparition Saves a Life
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: My grandmother swore by this story till her dying day. It was during the war in London, and my dad was a baby. She was bombed out of her house and was staying with a friend….
Creature Feature Friday: The Tulip Staircase Ghost
Perhaps one of the most inexplicable ghost photographs that has not yet been debunked, the Tulip Stair Ghost is the focus of our Creature Feature Friday! While vacationing in 1966, the Reverend Ralph Hardy took the now-famous photo of the Tulip Staircase Ghost in the Queen's House in Greenwich, England. Hardy developed his pictures back at home and realized that, in taking a photo of the Tulip Staircase, he had captured a ghostly apparition as well!
Written Confession: The "Hands-On" Victorian Terror
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by D_Aeon: When I was a child, I lived in an old Victorian house, and I would always hear laughing while I was trying to sleep. I was an only child with a single mother, and when I was about 5-6, I would wake up hearing laughter in the hallway in the middle of the night…
Written Confession: Glimpse of a Ghostly Officer at Stokesay Castle
The following written confession was submitted via email: I am English and my wife is American, from Oregon, she has lived in England all our married lives dating back over twenty years. She, like me, has a great love of history and it is normal for us to visit historical buildings and places. In May 2015 we were spending a few days in Stratford-upon-Avon, going to theatre performances in the evening and touring around during the day. On 22nd May we went to Stokesay Castle in Shropshire…
BLOG: 10 Horrible History Facts About Eastern State Penitentiary (and Our Own Tour of the Famous Haunted Prison!)
Lists of “The World’s Most Haunted Places” would not be complete without the looming, castle-like specter of Eastern State Penitentiary. The imposing prison is remembered for its unique methods of criminal reformation, famous for its compelling paranormal activity, and also happens to be located in Philadelphia in our home state of Pennsylvania! Eastern State Penitentiary is an unmissable destination with a storied background - check out 10 horrible history facts about Eastern State Penitentiary, followed by our own quick impressions about our tour of the infamous prison!
Written Confession: Shadow Figure Scares Sleeping Brothers
The following written confession was shared via Reddit: When I was in high school, my younger brother and I shared a bedroom. His bed was on one side of the room and mine was on the other. My brother was an avid sleepwalker and would also talk in his sleep all of the time. Sharing a bedroom with him, it was unsettling at first, but I eventually got used to it. One night, it’s about 3am and I suddenly wake up from a deep sleep, instantly alert...
BLOG: 10 Haunted Places in the U.S. Where Ghost Hunters Can Spend the Night
Dust off your EMF meters and break out your EVP recorders - September 28 is National Ghost Hunting Day! Established in 2016, National Ghost Hunting Day recognizes the growing popularity of paranormal investigating across the globe. Since ghost hunting is best done after dark, we’ve put together a short list of some haunted places in America where investigators can search for spirits all night long. If you ain’t afraid of no ghost, test your paranormal investigator mettle at these 10 haunted places in the U.S. where ghost hunters can spend the night!
Written Confession: Camera Catches a Shadow Person at an Abandoned Prison
The following written confession, photo, and video were submitted via email: “…They stopped the listening and she went right away towards the noises they heard and checks the area with her flashlight, while panning the light right and left you can see a black shadow form of a person walking up a staircase and go into a door…”
Creature Feature Friday: The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall
It’s time for another Creature Feature Friday, and today we’re taking a quick look at The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall! The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England is one of the most famous ghosts in Great Britain, and the subject of one of the world’s most famous ghost photographs - despite criticism that the image could very well be a hoax. Check out these 5 fast facts about The Brown Lady’s legend.
BLOG: 13 Strange and Surprising Objects That People Claim Are Haunted
When you hear the word haunted, you probably immediately think of a creepy haunted house. But it will probably shock no one to learn that places are not the only things that can be haunted. Ghost investigation shows, personal encounters, and internet photo galleries have revealed the prevalence of many haunted objects that bring unwanted dread and paranormal activity to anyone who possesses them. What kinds of objects are we talking about here? From decorations to furniture to undergarments, check out these 13 strange and surprising objects that people claim are haunted!