The Confessionals

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Written Confession: Unexplainable Glowing Orb Sighting in Ireland

The following written confession was submitted via email:

On July 10th 2022, I was lying on a hammock in the garden of the apartment block where I live, in Youghal, Co Cork, Ireland, just enjoying the hot afternoon and watching the seagulls flying above me, when out of the blue (literally) a small, glowing white sphere, came over the roof of our building, directed itself down a little and then straightened out and flew straight over me, at high speed, maybe 20 feet above me. I jumped up, swearing quite a lot, and watched it as it travelled across the road and over the heads of the crowd gathered at the sports pitch across the road, where a match was being played. No one noticed it as no one was looking up. I watched it until I couldn’t see it anymore. It didn’t alter its path or speed, it just headed out in the direction of the sea.

Not a day goes by when I don’t think about it. The experience only lasted about 20 or 30 seconds, but I just cannot find an earthly explanation for it. I’ve tried to find similar spheres online, but I haven’t found anything as small as the one I saw. I assume it was some sort of drone but I would really like to share the experience, mainly to see if anyone else out there has ever experienced anything similar. My partner thinks I’m a bit nuts and I don’t feel comfortable sharing my experience with my friends, as I don’t think they would believe me.