The Confessionals

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Written Confession: The Shadow in the Cemetery

The following written confession was submitted via email:

Long story short I had heard a local, old cemetery was guarded by a dogman. Me and my buddy went and snuck to the back where this dogman/cryptid was supposedly found. This cemetery has older gravesites at it from about the late 1800s in the back where we were. We had read it was found around the children's stones.

On the walk there I'm looking in the tree line to my right and I see an odd silhouette. I say odd because it looks out of place. It was about the shape of a bush, but I could tell it wasn't a bush, or stone. It was about 3 or 4 feet tall and about 2 or 3 foot wide. It seemed like it didn't belong where it was, almost an 'uncanny valley' bush if you will. I don't know how else to explain it other than that. I take note of it, but I don't mention it to my friend.

We sit down for a bit, it was a mostly clear night. I say this cause we are able to see there are no planes flying overhead, and we are nowhere near an airport. We aren't talking much, my buddy ends up lighting a cigarette and as we are sitting there I hear this noise. Not terribly loud. The best way I can describe it is the sound of a plane flying overhead from a distance away, mixed with a dog growling. It was weird. My friend didn't notice it, he was spaced out just kinda looking around. So I sit there a bit longer and hear it again. This time I asked if he heard it and he didn't know what I was talking about so I told him to listen. A couple minutes later it happens again, slightly louder. He hears it this time and looks to our right, towards where I saw the odd bush. Before I can say anything to him about the noise or anything, he stands straight up, stares for a second, and takes off sprinting towards the truck. Not knowing why he was running, but knowing we were there after hours and also knowing he's not the type to run for no reason I follow after him running.

We get back to his truck and he tells me to get in and we take off. I asked what he saw and he said he saw what looked like something curled up, suddenly stand up. He said it was very tall, taller than any human would be, and turned to walked towards us. I asked where it was and he described perfectly the spot where I had seen the odd bush/rock thing. Now, I had not seen it stand up but I have no reason to think he was making it up, especially since it seemed to originate from where I had seen what I saw.

As we were driving away he said he started feeling weird. Lightheaded, also had a headache and just felt generally unwell. I figured it was cause he was worked up, but the podcast about the incident at LBL really got me thinking and honestly really creeped me out because of the cop that felt the same way after he saw the dogman. We got back to my apartment and my friend laid on his back on my living room floor feeling unwell for at least an hour. It was definitely a weird experience but I had never thought about it much until recently and hearing the stuff on your podcast.

It happened about an hour south of St. Louis.