The Confessionals

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Written Confession: The Money-Counting Apparition in Australia

The following written confession was submitted via email:

I went on holiday to Kangaroo Island in South Australia with my partner at the time.

We stayed at the Pennashaw hotel/motel on the last night before leaving..I was watching a program on the Barney and Betty Hill abduction that night and went to sleep about 11:00.

Next thing I remember I was on my side propped up by my elbow looking at the breakfast bar (awake)

There standing side on to me was a full apparition of a man in his fifties wearing 60’s clothing he had a yellow long sleeve shirt (with the big collar) on and a pair of slacks.

He was counting money. He looked like a hardened criminal (mean). He was giving off a yellow/ brownish aura.

I was staring at him for quite a while then he must of felt my presence and slowly (unusually slowly)turned his head to look at me as he was doing this I remember thinking oh shit here we go 😂.

We locked eyes for quite sometime then I swear he put me to sleep..The strange thing was, he seemed to be going about his business and noticed me watching him. (Like I went back in time for a while)