The Confessionals

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Written Confession: The Fish-Faced Ghost Girl

The following written confession was shared via Buzzfeed:

I was a kid sleeping in my brother's room while mine was getting painted. His closet doors were mirrors, and when I woke up in the night I saw the silhouette of a girl staring at her reflection while on the edge of my bed. Her hair was pulled back, she wore a cream shirt and a long pink skirt, and looked like she was made of TV static. I was excited 'cause I believed in ghosts and was happy to see one! I said, 'hello?' but was NOT prepared for her face. Her eyes were huge, and she was pulsing her lips in a kiss position like a fish. It was terrifying! She lifted her hand and reached for me, but I screamed. My dad ran in with a baseball bat and turned on the light. She was gone. Don't sleep in a room with mirrors!