The Confessionals

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Written Confession: The Disappearing Barn in the Field

The following written confession was submitted via email:

I was just listening to your podcast episode 64 on the Disappearing Church, and it reminded me of an experience I had when I was around 12 years of age. I lived in a rural portion of NY near an old Indian Reservation, the town is old and has changed much over the centuries (you would recognize nothing). My friend and I were hiking in the woods and came out onto a field. Like your guest's story, it was Autumn and there was an old stone wall nearby, which may be a coincidence. I know that back in the day when they cleared land for buildings or planting they would take all the stones and dump them at the property line as much for convenience sake as for demarcation, but this wall runs through the woods which incorporates many steep hills which must have proved a serious pain in the butt to construct. Regardless, at the far end of the field was a red barn. We debated investigating it, but since we knew not whose property we were on, we didnt want to be shot for trespassing. We were kids and trespassing was a serious rule for us, haha. We eventually concluded it was wise to get back home where we told his father about our experience. He was dismissive because he knew the field and knew no barn to be there. Insistent we took him back to the location, maybe 3/4 a mile into the woods and there standing in our tracks, literally, we saw no barn. We were both baffled. I have never forgotten that experience and have thought of it often over the next 25 years. I thought maybe you would like to hear my tale as it is strikingly similar to your guests and may be able to shed some light on some other details. In my investigations, I have learned that the closest explanation I have for this is a phenomenon called a TIME SLIP. I would love to hear more stories of TIME SLIPS on your podcast as they obviously hold great interest for me.

Click here to take a listen to the episode referenced above, 64: The Disappearing Church of the Woods.