The Confessionals

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Written Confession: Still Looking for Answers About “The White Thing”

The following written confession was shared via Reddit:

So I've read nearly every post on here and have yet to find anything that sounds exactly like what my friends and I used to call the white thing. I grew up in rural Pennsylvania and a big group of us used to hang out at my friends parents house. His dad was a doctor so they had this huge house deep in the woods so we would spend basically every day and night here. 

Everyone knew about the white thing and honestly just hearing about it scared me so much i hated walking to my car at night there, the woods just seemed odd. I had never personally seen it, but I wasn't allowed to spend as much time there as most of the other kids but I trusted what they told me. 

They always talked about the white thing as they called it, and described it as about 7-8 feet tall, pure white, humanoid body type, and could run extremely fast. Everyone who had seen it encountered it a few times but was never able to get a great look because the minute it was spotted it would run back into the woods. 

The weirdest encounter was when the family's aunt went on vacation once she left her tiny dog to stay at the house while she was gone. It was a really nice dog and she hung around and played with us the week she was there. She never strayed too far from the lawn and was obviously trained. One night she went out to use the restroom and then never came back. They found her collar and everyone assumed the white thing ate her. No one ever really talked about her again. 

The really strange thing was when I was in college I was being interviewed by the archivist for a series of books he wrote about myths and legends of PA. We were talking about this road from that same very small town (about 800 people) that has a lot of typical scary legends around it. After we were done we were just chatting and he said he'd come across a few old reports of a werewolf in that town from the early 1900s I think. He asked me if I had ever heard of that and I told him about the white thing and he seemed a little surprised but that is as far the conversation went. 

I moved away and don't really visit there much or talk to any of those people anymore but I wonder if it still exists or if it ever did or was just a story a bunch of kids talked about until they all believed in it in some way. Also my interview was never included in the book which was pretty disappointing. Sorry if this was lengthy but I was wondering if anyone else had anything similar? Maybe an albino dog man?