The Confessionals

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Written Confession: Shapeshifter or Fae Figure in Kansas City?

The following written confession was posted on Reddit:

“I had the strangest experience a few weeks back at my local seven eleven early in the morning . I and my fiancé are both in our car headed to 7-11 to get the usual prerequisites that the morning requires .. caffeine, donut, etc ..

We pull into the parking lot and park in the front of the store and we are about to get out when we look to the car next to us . The driver is normal enough , your average looking twenty something Caucasian female but sitting next to her was something quite odd . It was a male , caucasian , glasses on looking for the most part like everyone else . Except for one major difference. He had short goat like horns coming out of his head . They were grey and fat at the base and got thinner as they got farther from the base . It looked like a baby goats maybe , just nubs but still obviously hornlike protrusions.

We quickly turn our heads to verify with each other if we saw the same thing , a moment later and instead of a horned man sitting there I see a large collie dog mix .. The woman driving mind you seems oblivious to all this and is doing her makeup in her visor mirror ..

Baffled we simply pull back out go home and take the day off of work . We spent the day napping and in between naps tried to figure out what we had seen .

Either way it was nuts , the middle of Kansas City , busy parking lot and we see this very odd thing that everyone around us is obviously unable to pick up on.”