The Confessionals

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Written Confession: Little Girl's 'Imaginary Friend' May Be a Spirit She's Related To

The following written confession was shared via Reddit:

So my daughter just turned 4 years old. About a year ago, she started talking about her friend "Eda" all of the time. I thought she was just playing and using her imagination. She never actually would play with the friend in front of anyone though. She would just tell me about her friend who she apparently met at her Nana's (great-grandmother on her father's side) house. I never really thought too much of it at first.

One day, we were pulling into a Wal-Mart parking lot and my daughter pointed towards an apartment building next door and said "that's where my friend Eda died". I was like wtf? I tried to ask her what she meant by that but she just repeated it and then changed the subject as a toddler often does. I was weirded out, but again just shrugged it off. A few months later, we were pulling into the same parking lot and she said it again! That's when I knew it wasn't normal toddler imagination. It was just too strange. I tried to ask her more about Eda when she would bring her up, but couldn't get any real answers. She really only brought Eda up occasionally so it wasn't something she would talk about all day every day.

It all came to a head one day when my daughter's stepmom texted me asking me if I knew about my daughter's friend Eda. I said I did and she told me that she has been talking about this "Eda Carter" and her sister "Sarah", and she decided to Google their names. She found record of the sister's, with pictures and sent them to me. The girl who was Sarah looked EXACTLY like my daughter only a young adult instead. They have the same big, black eyes and black hair. The same features. They look related for sure. The girl Eda looked EXACTLY like my oldest daughter also. It was seriously weird. But the icing on the cake was that their was also a picture of their mother, who's name was "Betsy Larson". The last name of my kid's father's grandparents. The last name of my kid's Nana, who's house my daughter had apparently met Eda at. And the thing that gave us no doubt about it was that the same picture of the mother that we found online was hanging in their Nana's house! The grandfather who would have known these relatives passed away years ago so we couldn't ask him about them. I asked their Nana and she doesn't know who they are. Eda, Sarah and Betsey are all deceased. Eda passed away in the 1970's. I am completely convinced that my daughter has communicated with Eda's spirit, and almost believe that she may have been Sarah in a past life. The one thing that is strange is that my daughter says Eda is a little girl just like her but Eda died as an adult. There is no doubt that the people we found online are related to my kids and their father. They have distinct features that make it even more convincing.

My daughter has said many things that have made me believe she can see things beyond this realm, but this one is by far the most unexplainable. I am convinced my daughter's ancestors have communicated with her.