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BLOG: Weird News - Woman Thinks a Ghost is in Her Closet But Finds a Stranger Wearing Her Clothes Instead

No one wants a ghost living in their closet. 

And definitely no one wants a weird transient stranger living in their closet. Or wearing all their clothes. Or asking them for hugs. Honestly, having a ghost sounds better than all those things.

Unfortunately for North Carolina college student Maddie, she got everything except the ghost in a very strange scenario that’s probably left her wishing she’d just been haunted instead.

Last week, Maddie began to believe a restless spirit had taken up residence in her closet after she heard mysterious rattling noises coming from inside. Startled, Maddie cried out, “Who’s there?!” And was even more startled to actually hear a reply:

“Oh, my name is Drew.”

Oh, whew, okay, no worries, it’s just Drew.


Drew, it turns out, was a 30-year-old stranger who had somehow entered Maddie’s apartment and decided to camp in her closet. Because, why not, right? But it gets weirder.

“I open the door and he’s in there, wearing all of my clothes," Maddie said. "My socks, my shoes, and he has a book bag full of my clothes."

After discovering her uninvited, overly-clothed guest, Maddie - who may be the most chill person to ever find someone living in their closet - let Drew talk to her and walk around her apartment while she calmly called for help. While he tried on even more of her wardrobe, temporary roommate Drew remarked how pretty Maddie was, and asked if he could have a hug (a hard pass there from Maddie). 

When Maddie’s boyfriend arrived on the scene, Drew decided to take off, and was later arrested at nearby gas station (probably trying to move in to the bathroom or something). He now faces 14 counts of felony charges including breaking and entering, and possibly several crimes against fashion - no word on that one yet.

As if this story isn’t odd enough by itself, Maddie revealed that this is not the first time she thought her house was haunted, nor the first time she’s found a stranger in her home! 

Sometime after she moved in, Maddie noticed some of her shirts and pants were disappearing, and found someone else’s handprints on her bathroom wall, all of which led her to think a sticky-fingered ghost was haunting her place. But then in December 2018, Maddie came home to find “two guys in the living room.” No further details about those interlopers were provided, like whether the two guys were arrested or found to be wearing all of Maddie’s pajamas. 

But Maddie, who always locks her doors and has found no signs of forced entry, is just as perplexed as the rest of us about these strange occurrences. HOW are people getting in? WHY are they coming in? Are humans the only trespassers in her home, or is there also a ghost squeezed in there somewhere? Where have all her pants gone?!

Now, after so many mysterious disruptions, Maddie is ready to move on, and she owes the final deciding factor to new BFF Drew: “I can’t stay here. My closet, it stinks," she said. “I’m just ready to leave."

We’re right behind you, Maddie.

-Lindsay W. Merkel

Read the source article from VICE by clicking HERE.