Written Confession: Eerie Unexplained Beam of Light Captured on Trail Cam
The following written confession and image were submitted via email: The date and time stamp on the photo is correct. Located in Smith County TX. Object on the left is a deer feeder. Its approximately seven feet tall. Puzzling…
Written Confession: Weird Wolf-like Creature Caught on Trail Cam in Ohio
The following written confession was sent to Tony via a friend and shared on The Confessionals IG account: Here is an interesting picture sent over to me [Tony] by one of my camera men @hesedmedia. He was sent this picture and passed it on to me. What are your thoughts? Mangy dog? Dire wolf? Dogman snacking on pumpkins? This was taken in Peninsula, OH. Middle of the Cuyahoga Valley Natl Park, which also contains Hell, OH. Largest wolf on record in that area is 34" at shoulder.
Written Confession: Unusual Tree Cam Photo Captures Transparent Winged Image
The following written confession and photo were submitted via email: I was reminded of this photo this evening and thought you might like to see it. We have 160 acres of wooded property in the northern part of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. Our tree cam took this photo of what looks like a ghost bird. I don’t know if it’s truly paranormal or if it’s just a bird flying by the camera.