BLOG: Ghost in the Graveyard? Haunting Images of Alleged Cemetery Ghosts Caught on Camera
As Halloween draws near, cemeteries become hotspots for ghost tours and paranormal investigations, with many hoping to capture something supernatural on camera. If you're planning your own spooky adventure, be sure to keep your eyes open—these haunting locations have a way of surprising even the most skeptical visitors. To get in the spirit, here are some eerie images of alleged ghosts caught on camera in graveyards, leaving us to wonder: are they genuine ghosts or trick photography?
Written Confession: The Closet “People” in the Haunted Farmhouse
The following written confession was submitted via email: I've only lived in one haunted house (old farmhouse) and one old house that one bedroom I never felt right in along with the hayloft out in the barn. I found out over a decade later after we moved away from that house, that a teenage girl hung herself in the hayloft decades before we lived there. The one house I'm sure was haunted, because when my youngest daughter was three through four years old, several nights a week she would wake up talking and laughing at around 2a.m.-3a.m....