Written Confession: The Pale White Bony Hands in the Abandoned Barn
The following written confession was submitted via email: Just listening to your recent reloaded episode about the rake and it got me thinking about a less than fun time in a large abandoned house in the middle of the Woods. Back in 2008-2009 when I was a senior in hs/freshman in college I heard about an abandoned mansion said to be a brothel from back in the day. Either way I found it with some friends set back off a dirt road on a hill back on the trees….
Written Confession: Stalked by a Cackling Crawler in South Carolina
The following written confession was shared via Reddit by throwawayfarmers: ‘Long post, but please read. I seriously need help and am terrified out of my mind. So I’ll start off by saying I’ve never believed in anything paranormal. I’m a pretty science-based dude. I always look for a logical explanation, and I still am for this encounter. So if anyone has any ideas let me know….’
VIDEO: Rake Creatures Caught on Camera
Bonus Episode 127: The Rake features an interview with Guy, who describes a rare, chance sighting of two creepy rake creatures near Dallas, Texas. (You can also watch the interview on video by clicking here.) If you aren’t familiar with what a RAKE purportedly is - or if you feel the need to be terrified today - check out the video below to watch a compilation of alleged rakes caught on camera!
VIDEO: Rake Interview from The Confessionals Live Event in Houston!
On May 11, 2019, The Confessionals joined Sasquatch Chronicles, Hillbilly Horror Stories, and Twisted Philly, along with special guest Bob Gimlin, for a night of live podcasting in Houston, Texas!