BLOG: Creepy Accounts of Time Slips, Lost Time, and Shifting Realities - Part 1
They say time is relative. Are space, dimension, and reality relative as well? From suddenly stepping into a time long past, to losing hours of unaccounted time, to changing locations in the blink of an eye and returning to places that no longer exist, these creepy accounts of time slips, lost time, and shifting realities may have you questioning the corporeality of our present existence.
WRITTEN CONFESSION: Biologist Shares Weird Experiences from Fisherman On the Water
The following written confession was submitted via email: I’m a biologist in Louisiana and I work with the local fishermen. I’ve started asking them if they’ve had any weird experiences on the water . . . He said out of nowhere there was a blindingly bright blue light that lit up them and the surrounding water. He said after a while they all came too, dazed, eyes readjusting to the darkness and he said a couple guys began to panic as they realized they had lost time . . .