Written Confession: A Vivid Dream of Something Evil Under the North Pole
The dream happened back when I was in my early 20's. I can't remember exactly how old I was or the time of year. I do remember I was home from College for the weekend, and I was taking a nap on the couch on a Sunday morning while my mother was at church. In the dream, I could see everything going on, but I wasn't participating. I was actively watching, but was not part of the group I saw. In the dream, I saw a group of scientists, bundled up in cold weather clothing walking across a snowy landscape. In the dream, I knew they were at the North Pole. Not sure how I knew, I just did. The scientist were in a small group, approximately 3-5 people and they were using different devices for measuring data and testing the ice. I remember they were drilling very deep into the ice to take core samples, and for some reason the depth of 1.5 miles was in my mind.
BLOG: 10 Amazing Accounts of Transcendent Near Death Experiences (and 5 That Are Horrifying)
By definition, a near death experience is “an unusual experience taking place on the brink of death and recounted by a person after recovery, typically an out-of-body experience or a vision of a tunnel of light.” Though fundamentally correct, the textbook definition of NDEs fails to capture the mystery, transcendence, and often supernatural nature of these episodes, which have been well-documented but still remain ambiguous in the wide scope of science.